
Out of projects but boss won’t directly lay me off. Can I file for unemployment?

Boss is blue, I am green, company that my boss is contracted with is purple. My boss has run out of projects for me to edit for the time being (I live in US, I am not a freelance editor, I receive W2s, so he's been paying for me to take Udemy courses on web development hoping I could make a website for him. I emailed him about taking an additional course once I was done, and this was his response. He can't afford to pay me anymore, and doesn't have work for me, but won't lay me off directly? I work 25 hours a week currently, remote. I've been looking and applying for other jobs for the past 3 weeks so I've been planning to leave I just expected to have income until I did. Can I still file for unemployment? Or would my application just be rejected because…

Boss is blue, I am green, company that my boss is contracted with is purple.

My boss has run out of projects for me to edit for the time being (I live in US, I am not a freelance editor, I receive W2s, so he's been paying for me to take Udemy courses on web development hoping I could make a website for him.

I emailed him about taking an additional course once I was done, and this was his response. He can't afford to pay me anymore, and doesn't have work for me, but won't lay me off directly? I work 25 hours a week currently, remote.

I've been looking and applying for other jobs for the past 3 weeks so I've been planning to leave I just expected to have income until I did.

Can I still file for unemployment? Or would my application just be rejected because I'm still technically employed?

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