
Outperformed my boss until he was let go.

Took a job a few years ago working for the most micromanaging a**hole I've ever met. He worked a 4 day week with the idea that I would support him and manage his site on his day off. Very quickly he would palm me off with his work which I made sure to document and save to the company cloud. This became a consistent pattern until he wasn't even logging into our internal systems or changing passwords because…why worry? I was there to do it all. Sometimes I'd finish it and document. Other times I'd deliberately not turn it in so he'd get chewed out. This is the same sort of boss who would micromanage his team, make sure to hold any little bit of shit he had on you for your appraisal/review and then use it against the team to make them cry. Even refused time off when an…

Took a job a few years ago working for the most micromanaging a**hole I've ever met. He worked a 4 day week with the idea that I would support him and manage his site on his day off. Very quickly he would palm me off with his work which I made sure to document and save to the company cloud. This became a consistent pattern until he wasn't even logging into our internal systems or changing passwords because…why worry? I was there to do it all. Sometimes I'd finish it and document. Other times I'd deliberately not turn it in so he'd get chewed out.

This is the same sort of boss who would micromanage his team, make sure to hold any little bit of shit he had on you for your appraisal/review and then use it against the team to make them cry. Even refused time off when an employee with 20 years service asked for time to care for a sick relative because they had no days left to book off. He was a bully. Typical middle manager.

Forward on 24 months and he was offered an area managers role. Great. Now he gets to make two sites miserable. This was the turning point. I was able to build an excellent relationship with the line manager of my boss in his absence. I would occasionally drop a subtle comment about the work I was completing for my boss. I was left alone most of the week to do whatever shit I wanted to do as long as I ticked my boxes. It got to point where I had evidenced I was doing basically everything. And when they announced the company closure of our other site my boss was let go because they realised he wasn't required.

Now I run the site full time. Some days I go in. Some days I don't bother I just game all day. My new line manager is from a different city and thinks im crushing it. 'working remotely'.. yeah right. Really I just do the bare minimum to box tick. I don't care if my team take sick days because they're human and I don't dock the wages either. They have bills to pay. Now everybody is happy and not a corporate slave and as a bonus they sometimes leave cake at my desk. And would you believe it? Performance is actually up by a mile.

I had to work to be antiwork. Now everybody wins.

P.S – Bonus tip: Get a watch with a manual moving hand and place it under your laptop/PC mouse. Each tick of the hand will trigger the mouse laser and move the mouse cursor slightly. Stick on a 10 hour YouTube video and you'll never go inactive on whatever shit piece of software they monitor you. For us it was Skype or teams.

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