
outsourcing company dropped the ball – but my boss wants me to handle the backlash

​ this is just from Monday. both inboxes are my responsibility. no one in my department has offered to help – they actually took two people off of this and gave me someone i have to retrain in order to assist me. last night, my entire department left early for happy hour and i remained at the office to try and make a dent in these emails. for every 10 i knock out – 15 more come in. i have handled over 200 inquiries in a week about our situation (which legally i cannot share what happened). there's still almost 300 more to go. we all talk about being a “team” and yet – this has been the most isolating experience i've ever had to deal with. i'm angry they went to happy hour while i'm struggling. i'm angry that when i say i'm overwhelmed they just say “well we…

this is just from Monday. both inboxes are my responsibility. no one in my department has offered to help – they actually took two people off of this and gave me someone i have to retrain in order to assist me. last night, my entire department left early for happy hour and i remained at the office to try and make a dent in these emails. for every 10 i knock out – 15 more come in.

i have handled over 200 inquiries in a week about our situation (which legally i cannot share what happened). there's still almost 300 more to go. we all talk about being a “team” and yet – this has been the most isolating experience i've ever had to deal with. i'm angry they went to happy hour while i'm struggling. i'm angry that when i say i'm overwhelmed they just say “well we appreciate you!” and then hand me more work. i am aware that i am the least paid employee in our company (an accident that occurred when i was incorrectly sent a spreadsheet of everyone in the company's yearly salary – i just happened to have the same name as the person it was going to). so i'm aware that i make the least and i feel like all my efforts are wasted/in vain. i'm applying to new jobs this weekend and as soon as i have one in the bag, im handing in my two week notice. if im going to take the brunt of our customer's complaints over a mistake i had no control over, then i need to be compensated for my time. i do way more than just answer phone calls, and yet my time has been spent on answering the same question for 10 hours a day since the beginning of the month! im just tired of this and can no longer fake caring about it anymore.

this is just for support and writing it out is relieving, yet i don't think i will feel any better until i am away from this situation.

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