
“Overachievers” really bother me

Just started a new job a couple months back. I'm not doing bad, all things considered, but another girl who got hired on after me is blowing away everyone in our department with her phenomenal KPI metrics, even tenured colleagues. We have a lack of work right now, and the only way she's able to do this is by taking on cases that have not been assigned to our team yet, which is a big no no, and I have been told is a fireable offense. Just got out of a meeting with my boss, who tells me my best isn't good enough and to pick up the pace. She's aware new girl is “cheating” to exceed her metrics, but looks the other way because it makes my boss look good. Now I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. If I keep doing what I'm doing, I'm going…

Just started a new job a couple months back. I'm not doing bad, all things considered, but another girl who got hired on after me is blowing away everyone in our department with her phenomenal KPI metrics, even tenured colleagues. We have a lack of work right now, and the only way she's able to do this is by taking on cases that have not been assigned to our team yet, which is a big no no, and I have been told is a fireable offense.

Just got out of a meeting with my boss, who tells me my best isn't good enough and to pick up the pace. She's aware new girl is “cheating” to exceed her metrics, but looks the other way because it makes my boss look good. Now I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. If I keep doing what I'm doing, I'm going to get let go for underperformance. If I take a cue from my coworker and “cheat” and get caught by big boss, I could get fired. Fuck overachievers messing with my paycheck. You want to overachieve? Take that energy and start your own business.

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