
Overbearing supervisor on my case, any advice greatly appreciated

I work for an educational institution in a unionized position as a janitor. I've been at this job for two years now and despite some setbacks with attendance, I have a pretty good relationship with management. Rules are pretty lax where I work, and it being a large establishment it's not often that anyone is breathing down your neck unless your really not doing your job and other people on other shifts have to clean up after you. You show up on time, get the job done and go home, you're all good. People often take an extra fifteen on break, or sneak in cigarettes or get the job done as quick as possible so they can spend the rest of the shift out of sight. It would be an ideal workplace if it weren't for one supervisor who I'll call “Doug”. Doug does not like me and I'm not…

I work for an educational institution in a unionized position as a janitor. I've been at this job for two years now and despite some setbacks with attendance, I have a pretty good relationship with management.

Rules are pretty lax where I work, and it being a large establishment it's not often that anyone is breathing down your neck unless your really not doing your job and other people on other shifts have to clean up after you. You show up on time, get the job done and go home, you're all good. People often take an extra fifteen on break, or sneak in cigarettes or get the job done as quick as possible so they can spend the rest of the shift out of sight. It would be an ideal workplace if it weren't for one supervisor who I'll call “Doug”.

Doug does not like me and I'm not entirely sure why. We initially had something of a friendly working relationship but after he went on leave for a few months he came back acting different. I figured it was personal issues and didn't really want to get involved so I went on doing my thing. Months down the line and I start to notice him keeping tabs on me, keeping note of where I'm taking my breaks and showing up on my schedule to see if I'm working. Over the past few months this has escalated to him confronting me and asking why I'm coming back from lunch 10 minutes late, or why I'm sitting down while not on break, etc. Keep in mind that I seem to be the only one being held up to these standards, as he's passed by the lunchroom 20 minutes after break has ended and said nothing to the 4 or 5 people still sitting in there chatting. I have also observed Doug sitting with coworkers he's friendly with and talking while on the clock, so apparently he's fine to do so.

I get my job done, and have had no complaints about my performance but Doug seems obsessed with following me around to find me fucking up. It's truly bizarre behavior that I think borders on harassment, and I'm considering going to the union rep about it. I'm just nervous to do so because Doug is unsurprisingly quite popular with the management. He's never late, rarely calls in and does whatever they ask of him.

I want to end this by noting that me and Doug are the same age. He also never pulls this shit with women or anyone older than him. There are people who do fuck all that Doug doesn't spend the day following around, and that kind of pisses me off. I am by no means a the hardest worker in the place, but I do what is asked of me and feel that I'm not being respected.

Sorry for the novel, any advice is appreciated.

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