

so basically. my company i work with made the warehouse employees attend an i guess you can say , mandatory saturday, for inventory for the accountant whose also the controller. so. i check my adp app to see the hours and such and if i got the over time i deserve. NOPE. the accountant somehow edited not only my hours but my coworkers hours to seem as if we were missing 2.5- 3 hours from our pay. only to add the extra over time hours to our pay as if they were regular hours. so not only did she not pay us for over time. but she also deductes regular hours that we did indeed work for, from our pay. is this legal? how do i go about a certain situation like this? especially the fact. that my co worker is never late. hes 30 mins early . but yet…

so basically. my company i work with made the warehouse employees attend an i guess you can say , mandatory saturday, for inventory for the accountant whose also the controller. so. i check my adp app to see the hours and such and if i got the over time i deserve. NOPE. the accountant somehow edited not only my hours but my coworkers hours to seem as if we were missing 2.5- 3 hours from our pay. only to add the extra over time hours to our pay as if they were regular hours. so not only did she not pay us for over time. but she also deductes regular hours that we did indeed work for, from our pay. is this legal? how do i go about a certain situation like this? especially the fact. that my co worker is never late. hes 30 mins early . but yet he has three hours missing? what do yu do?

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