
Overwork bias

In my team we all have the freedom to choose our working hours, we are expected to work 7h a day and we WFH 4 days a week. Some start at 7.30am, others at 9.30am. Here is my question to avoid additional work : is it better to be the person who's always overworked and who does way much more than his hours (allô mouse jiggler) but seams unproductive sometimes or the person who's seen as productive during his working hours but who disconnects as soon as she did her 7 hours a day?

In my team we all have the freedom to choose our working hours, we are expected to work 7h a day and we WFH 4 days a week. Some start at 7.30am, others at 9.30am.
Here is my question to avoid additional work : is it better to be the person who's always overworked and who does way much more than his hours (allô mouse jiggler) but seams unproductive sometimes or the person who's seen as productive during his working hours but who disconnects as soon as she did her 7 hours a day?

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