
Overworked, underpaid, disrespected and scapegoated.

I don’t even know where to begin, other than I’m so miserable and done with my job. I can’t really say where I work with fear of identifying myself but I’m so stressed. But for context I work food service but not fast food. It is a little upscale. The sad thing is, it pays decent which is why I cannot simply quit atm. Not livable, but enough for what I am doing. My coworkers call out way too often, because of this I’m over worked and the managers just do not care. I’m expected to work extra even though I’m scheduled at specific times yet I do it because I understand it’s my duty! If my coworkers are asked to stay longer they outright refuse and get away with it ! But im expected to do it without complaints. I don’t know if I’m being dramatic but it’s really…

I don’t even know where to begin, other than I’m so miserable and done with my job. I can’t really say where I work with fear of identifying myself but I’m so stressed. But for context I work food service but not fast food. It is a little upscale. The sad thing is, it pays decent which is why I cannot simply quit atm. Not livable, but enough for what I am doing.

My coworkers call out way too often, because of this I’m over worked and the managers just do not care. I’m expected to work extra even though I’m scheduled at specific times yet I do it because I understand it’s my duty! If my coworkers are asked to stay longer they outright refuse and get away with it ! But im expected to do it without complaints. I don’t know if I’m being dramatic but it’s really taking a toll on me. I wake up miserable, I come home exhausted and In a bad mood and I feel bad because I rub it off on my loved ones.

There was an incident where I was really sick WITH A FEVER AND AN INFECTION so I called out, logically and rightfully so am I wrong? But instead the managers were gossiping and complaining that “I wasn’t even that sick”. That is a complete lie, I brought a doctors note.

I feel like I’m being scapegoated. I try to keep things in order (who else is going to do it) but when I ask for help I was told that I “make a big deal or freak out over things.” Which is not true, I speak in the most composed and respectful way even when I’m stressed. I have worked here for a whole year but I’m realizing how disposable I am to these people.

Yet the person that called out literally once a week for a month gets no repercussions! And when they did “threaten” to have a talk with hr they felt like they were being personally targeted. How are you being personally attacked for something that is justifiably a write up? Especially when the extra work falls on someone else.

A few days ago my other coworker complained because they were scheduled on Sunday (they usually get it off because they have favoritism with one of the managers) but called in because they wanted to drink! Yet when I ask for my schedule to be respected they refuse, or belittle me for not wanting to work. When I’ve really been carrying this place on my own.

It just makes me so sad and depressed that I’m treated better by the customers than my own colleagues. They tell me to have a wonderful day, that my service is amazing, even a good review but I can’t get appreciation from my superiors. My mental and physical health is deteriorating, I have a break down every morning dreading clocking in. Am I overreacting ?

There’s so much more wrong with this place but I can’t even fit it all in one post.

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