
Owned by an international publicly traded company worth billions and my bosses in our sector are gaslighting project managers into thinking we are losing money on our projects but they are really moving money around and lying to the mothership

We had terrible accounting software that was outdated and kept no record of who made budget changes or even that changes happened. Month to month numbers would change and then we would be screamed at during financial meetings about losing money The President boss used to be a PM – he’s now the president of our sub company and clearly over his head. His young son is an accountant for our office. One month I went on vacation and came back to one of my projects tanking out of nowhere on labor that had been making a lot of money prior. My boss gaslit me into thinking I did something wrong and made me go thru timesheets of workers to find what happened. Turns out he knew all along – he had been having people put hours on my job. A lot of them. And then led me to believe…

  1. We had terrible accounting software that was outdated and kept no record of who made budget changes or even that changes happened. Month to month numbers would change and then we would be screamed at during financial meetings about losing money
  2. The President boss used to be a PM – he’s now the president of our sub company and clearly over his head. His young son is an accountant for our office.
  3. One month I went on vacation and came back to one of my projects tanking out of nowhere on labor that had been making a lot of money prior. My boss gaslit me into thinking I did something wrong and made me go thru timesheets of workers to find what happened. Turns out he knew all along – he had been having people put hours on my job. A lot of them. And then led me to believe our payroll lady messed up entering the hours in to the tune of 50k. I investigated more than he expected. He also bid the job one way but didnt read the specifications and under bid the job significantly (he’s also an estimator, and runs his own jobs which magically always do well).
  4. I spent like 20 hours of my own time to realize he knew all along how this happened.
  5. He continually under bids jobs and takes every job he can get and then expects us to make him money (one of my jobs was given to me 200k in the hole). He then lies to corporate saying the job is not losing any money even when I tell him I will not be able to recoup this. It’s a problem job. He bid it poorly.
  6. Now he and the Vp lady who is also a PM are clearly feeling heat from corporate and they’re screaming at me daily about random crap, micromanaging me, to make me feel like I’m the problem. They’re doing this to other PMs too.
  7. Guy had a heart attack, constantly stressed… probably because he’s definitely doing illegal stuff.
  8. Corporate handles IT and they installed whistleblowing doc on our desktops, I think they’re onto him.
  9. They sent a guy from corporate to work in our office now.
  10. They upgraded software to better monitor just this past month.
  11. My bosses are doing this to all the PMs and it’s toxic and hostile and I have resumes out there but am stressed constantly and can’t just quit.
  12. They literally give me shit about everything and anything and send me texts like “where are you” when I’m at job sites. I have the most jobs to run and cannot keep up. I told them this. I got yelled at. I have a child and they asked me why I wasn’t working at night on his birthday when they knew it was his birthday. They expect me to work constantly and tell me I have to on vacations, and have to bring my laptop. They called me at 7 am on my first vacation day recently just to test boundaries. I’m now putting my foot down more than I had been.
  13. I am planning to whistblow but the last person who did when financials were easier to lie about on the old software got pushed out with covert bullying. She was an accountant. She also reported sexual harassment and they said she’s a liar and told us all she’s the problem.

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