
Owner Refuses to Pay Employees Overtime. Can I take legal action?

Just so everybody is aware of where I am located, I currently live in Indiana(it is as awful as everyone else says it is.) I currently work at a smoke shop near my campus and my boss pays the starting employee 12 an hour. He pays managers about 16. This owner owns multiple shops and before I was hired, was actually taken to court for selling smoke shop products to minors because he did not care who he sold to. The shops were closed for a couple weeks because of these violations. The owner makes it very clear that he does NOT pay overtime no matter how many hours you work. Knowing this, I have not taken more than 40 hours knowing I would not be paid overtime. He continues to open up more and more smoke shops around town while also not hiring anybody in the process because he…

Just so everybody is aware of where I am located, I currently live in Indiana(it is as awful as everyone else says it is.)

I currently work at a smoke shop near my campus and my boss pays the starting employee 12 an hour. He pays managers about 16. This owner owns multiple shops and before I was hired, was actually taken to court for selling smoke shop products to minors because he did not care who he sold to. The shops were closed for a couple weeks because of these violations.

The owner makes it very clear that he does NOT pay overtime no matter how many hours you work. Knowing this, I have not taken more than 40 hours knowing I would not be paid overtime. He continues to open up more and more smoke shops around town while also not hiring anybody in the process because he does not want to pay for extra labor while also continuing to expand. He instead expects all of his employees to put in extra time and readjust their schedule for the hours he needs to fill the shop. The managers have it the worst and are worked like dogs as he only has 4(between 6 shops) but will work them upwards of 90 hours a week while also having them on call at all times. Im starting to get fed up with all of this and was wondering if I would be able to take any sort of legal action against him. Could I ask for overtime hours and track what I am not paid and then take him to court?

Just trying to find out the best course of action.


Edit: some grammar

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