Ok so I'm actually expecting to get a little hate for this cause you know, just cause some people treat you like a dick in the career world doesn't mean you should stoop to their level. THAT BEING SAID, I did it anyway. Whoops. I got 3 interview requests at the same time last month. It was crazy, in this market? Holy moly. So, I go through the first interview with the first company, get through the process pretty quickly because let me be clear, it could literally have not been a better fit for me. Not to sound too braggy cause I'm really not that cool, but I'm in a niche field and to find someone with my level of experience for their opening must have been an easy day for that recruiter. Go through the whole process, I'm even transparent on what about I make now for salary.…
Gaslighting Employees
Our employers are constantly gaslighting everyone into working more hours because they “really really need us and we're a family”. And they ask so nicely and obviously the whole companies success is our responsibility too so if we deny extra hours we are 1 lazy 2. irresponsible 3. causing others to suffer because they need to work harder. I just don't understand how some of the colleagues also adapted this toxic mentality from our employers, are they scared or brainwashed i don't know? But I fucking hate it. Now, I like going to work because it gives my life routine, purpose and distraction, but I can't work overtime every 2-3 days. Once a week is fine, but now it has been so normalized. They make you feel like a worthless, lazy piece of shit for wanting more free time.
DETR Overpay Fraud?
DETR OVERPAY FRAUD? DETR says tens of thousands entered wrong amount, Gross income instead of Net, but application asked for Gross. DETR has 1 year to notify of overpay. DETR way past their deadline.
Had covid asked one of my managers if i use paid sick time off in the future incase i feel too sick to work since i had covid if i would get written up they said yes i would and it would be marked as an absence i was very hesitant on using it but i had to use it since i felt like death a couple days after and couldn't work (i work from home) and i was written up/marked as absent for using paid sick time off and now i am on my final warning until i get terminated and i cant be absent/late in the next 90 days or i'll get terminated and im afraid if i get sick again or something happens i get fired. I live in Kentucky. I have everything in writing i tried looking it up and i couldn't really gather if it…
The best Anti-Work compilation everrrr
I had a job cold calling businesses to sell them our services. In the past, both at work and off the clock, I've had people hide their caller ID in order to verbally abuse me, intimidate me or sexually harass me. I used to answer all calls, but since those incidents I have refused to answer calls from people who hide their caller ID. One day this woman called me FOUR times. All four times she hid her caller ID and when she left voicemails they were harassing in nature. She said, “Why won't you pick up?! It's URGENT!” And she never said what “it” was or told me her name or what company she represented in her voicemails. 9/10 times when someone hides their caller ID they're a chickenshit and they don't have your best interest at heart. When my manager noticed I was rejecting the harassing lady's calls…
Y’all offering those jobs for life still
Who’s in a job for life @millennials