
Scientists Say: Humanity Could Descend into Cannibalism by 2060


My manager is being passive aggressive.

They have changed the processes at work which happens often but I have documented ADHD and am left struggling to catch up every time. My manager keeps saying things like “you’ve been here for a while” even though things change every week so it’s not like I’ve been doing the same exact thing for 2 years. I don’t really care. My question is- if I get fired for unsatisfactory performance due to my disability, will I still qualify for unemployment benefits? I live in NJ but work in NY, if that’s relevant. I’m not particularly attached to this job, I just wanna know if I’ll have a backup when/in case I get fired. Follow-up question- if I do get fired and qualify, would I apply in NY or NJ?


Uk job market is broken


You get asked to explain your unemployment gap. What if you said, you needed a break from the workplace, but remained self-employed?

I'm about to do that, bad idea? Yes, society expects you to be miserable. I went to welding school, grudated with two certifications. Basic and advanced welding, and I ended up working in corrections. Why? Although I did get a job offer to work in a welding job, I just had this bad vibe at the place. But, then I got financially desperate and applied to work at a prison. Although it has its benefits and ugh, I hate saying the word over time, it what was financially needed right away. Prisons are desperate and seem to hire faster than welders are hired. My plan is to keep working for another 3 or 4 months and crank in some overtime to create a cushion of savings. In the meantime, I got a dusty welding machine I cam use to practice on. I've went through the multi I ns of doing…


Can someone explain why a dishwasher and an AGM make the same?


This window is about the only thing that keeps me sane here most days. I can not stand to look at more white.


Has anyone ever successfully got their employer to sign a non-disparagement during a mutual parting?

My job is trying to force me out and get me to sign a PIP severance document. Is there any way I can get them to sign a non-disparagement so they don't defame me internally via communications to my immediate coworkers after I leave. Anyone have success with this?


UAW president announces 38 more strike locations across 20 states – solidarity with all strikers


One day notice? We’re not coming!

We work 5 days a week, 7:45am till 6pm every day. With a 30min unpaid break, that's nearly 50 required hours per week. Now you have the AUDACITY the DAY BEFORE to post that we are required to work this Saturday? If not, we could face discipline up to termination. There are over a hundred workers in the department that's being required to work. We are supposed to be out by 5, but they haven't adjusted the amount of product they run per shift to coincide with the understaffed conditions, therefore we are held up until 6pm 90% of the time. I want change, I want to be heard, I want a union. I've talked and whispered to many of my coworkers since seeing the notice, and many of them agreed that they will not be showing up tomorrow either. I know i could lose my job for this, but…


Do employers even look at resumes???

I've been “not selected” for a few jobs, all of which I have certifications for and my entire working career (over 5 years of experience) is in the same exact field. This is frustrating because I want to build my career in this field until I finish school but it's almost as if they aren't even reading my resume. Ironically I get turned away from the simple associate version of the job and yet get DMs to apply to a leadership role? What sense does this make? Are all employers just that…careless about who they ask to apply or turn away??? I'm just super frustrated. Unfortunately indeed is the only good website for the job market of my area…and for some reason half of the applications won't allow me to upload the documents of my certifications. Should I add the scanned documents to the end of my resume for employers…