
London’s Food Scene: Flexibility, Diversity, Precarity


What’s the most flat-out lie a small business has told you while working there?

I worked mostly for small businesses before Covid and getting a Master's, but I would naively believe certain things when I was younger (18 or so, 2008-ish). I remember some jobs had tedious tasks to perform and they would come back with “All businesses do it like this”. Again, naive kid. Working for a much bigger firm and my gosh! These tasks are streamlined from like 10 minutes to 2! I've even told my current boss that I was definitely not used to shit like this. Another is “You have to wait a year and then you qualify for a week's vacation everywhere.” BBRRRRZZTTTT. WRONG. PTO wasn't a thing at those apparently. Anyone else have any?


What are your thoughts on the income tax

Imho it is morally dubious, taxing labour while capital gets a free pass from various loopholes is puke inducing.


Any dads call in sick to work so they can have a day to themselves ?

Wife works evenings and sleeps during the day while the kids are at school. I am stuck at home on the weekends as a babysitter and I miss doing things I used to love like hiking and fishing. Now I go to work and come home to be a dad 5 days a week and I'm a full time dad on the weekends. Kids don't like doing the things I like. I'm calling in today just because I need a personal day to just be myself for 8hrs.


Tips on how to handle a work situation?

32M here, recently got hired at a tier 3, family-run company as a as a middle management role (but tasks rly resemble low management), after a long period of depression and hardship. I went to top-tier unis (and I mean TOP tier) and have 2 degrees, but the 2nd one I didn't finish in time. I had a major depressive episode in my life that tainted an otherwise impressive CV, full of scholarships and with a wide variety of skills. Nearly simultaneously, my father also entered financial hardship because his long-term gf robbed him of everything (long story I won't go into details here, the main idea to take away is that I don't have the luxury of financial help from family). I did some small-time lying on my CV to secure the job, but I think I am qualified for it (if anything, overly so). It's not like you…


Worked 11.5 hour shift. Only paid for 8

I work in the OR of an extremly busy and successful hospital system. One of the top in the whole country. Basically i help manage the equipment and logistics of over 60 operating rooms and their corresponding PACUs. I have 1 coworker who helps me do this. But to be honest the work load is not even. Also the work load is never light as medical devices are constantly breaking which requires them to be repaired and sent out to the device manufacturer. There are also meetings we attend for OR operations and random things breaking we have to fix through out the day. The other week i was asked to stay after my shift to help facilitate the installation of a surgical robot. This meant i had to wait on the robotic team to get to the hospital, give these guys directions on where to go and how to…


New hires are getting way more

Just wanted to vent a bit. So, until december I was earning 42000€/year, i had several meetings with my boss to discuss a pay raise. After 6 months i finally got one and I currently earn 47000€/year. I was fine with that since i was fresh from college and just started to work 3 years ago. Today, a colleague told me that our HR offered 55000€/year to a new employee who'd do exactly our work. (They told him by accident). So now our whole department feels kinda pissed, because that's more than anyones earning here. They just can't wrap their head around the fact that a new person with no experience is getting more than an old employee who's working here for 12-20 years. After some thinking I decided to ask for an interim reference today (don't know if that's the right term) and start searching the jobmarket for other…


Anyone tired of being ghosted by employers

im in full time work now (ill talk more about that in a later post as its a seperate topic) but things where different a couple of months ago. it seemed that every job i applied for i never got a reply or even acknowlegement of my application being recieved or id go to an interview and never even hear back about the outcome. sadly this seems to be a growing trend worldwide and especially the case here in australia seriously just how hard is it to tell unsuccesful job applicants “thank you for your time but unfortunatly your application will not move to the next stage”? IDGAF if you recieve 700 applicants at least have the courtesey to inform jobseekers of the outcome instead of keeping them hanging. Im sure you dont like job applicants doing the same to you so now you know how how jobseekers feel and…


Gave my Notice – Taking a Year Off

So, I gave three months' notice to my company so I can quit and have a year off. I've just had enough. It's been ten years and there are no opportunities for promotion for me, and the work isn't interesting or challenging. The pay is extremely mediocre and I have to sit in the same chair for eight hours a day under fluorescent lights. I feel like it's slowly smashing my mental health. ​ Anyway, when I quit I said the reason was that I want to hang out for a year and just be a person, walk in the park, be outside, and all that. It was like my reasoning didn't compute for them, as if the notion of leaving just to not be grinding away for a while was an alien concept. I do work in Japan, and maybe the idea of a year out is a bit…


Need advice on how to recover mentally when a job pushed me into the corner and made me feel worthless.

I’m 23 and recently I finished my first job experience. I graduated with Masters in Business Administration and been working in sales for 6 months. I absolutely hated the work environment. I was getting anxiety every day before work because my manager was an apathetic asshole. He would make me (and other girls too) feel bad for taking a sick day, asking questions like „are you sure you’re sick?”. When I first joined the job I was full of enthusiasm and wanted to give my 100%. I proposed a lot of ideas but I was ALWAYS met with negation and rejection. But then, in 6 months when a new higher up manager joined the same ideas that I had were implemented and suddenly my direct manager thought they were brilliant. Things like this were happening constantly. He would walk over and look at what I’m doing on my screen, monitor…