I wanna get this up front. Speaking multiple languages is important. It does enrich your life and you can have a deeper perspective. But using that as a “perk” to add to your resume is bullshit. Some people never had the funds or at bare minimum time to learn. U.S. schools often only offer 1 or 2 other languages. It's frankly taking advantage of employees who have that knowledge. Especially if it was in circumstances like needing immigrate from a war-torn nation. Employers should just have a translator, or have a means of a translator apparatus. Or! An even more radical idea, reimburse for language studies. Can't tell you how many times I felt like a piece of shit because I couldn't communicate in French or Spanish and could get no help from my employer. Relying on Google translate is also in my opinion isn't a great option either. Sometimes…
Unsanitary safety vests
So my sister recently got a job at a certain chicken fast food chain that is closed on Sundays. She was telling me that clothes that were given to her for the uniform were really worn out and if she needed new ones she had to buy them in the shop that they have for employees to apparently give back the money they paid her to work there( which I think is a stupid idea. To give back to the company.) Anyway, she told me that the drive thru safety vests that they wear are drenched in sweat. I feel like it's a very unsanitary especially since she was told that they don't get washed at all. Is there anything that can be done to correct this or at least report it?
If I make a mistake at work and my boss says “I accept your resignation” but I continue working and ignore him will I get unemployment benefits if he fires me? I made sure not quit technically because I said I did not resign I am busy.
Do you have an exit strategy?
Curious to know if anyone has a plan to reduce work or stop altogether. FIRE? Lots of reasons posted here for why you would, but I'm wondering how people might? My plan: got lucky with some land years ago, off grid tiny house, apartment in the city, split time between the two, in a career with good casual options that pay well for good value for time, foster a frugal and minimalist lifestyle, build my skills to be more self reliant, invest in my health to feel good doing things I like. Planning to cruise in my mid 40s working a day or two a week, maybe some short term contracts of interest.
For those who don't know Max Verstappen is a current formula 1 driver for red bull racing. He takes home 45 million euros per year just in salary, not account for sponsorships and lives in Monaco so he isn't paying tax on that either mind you. I recognise this was obviously not made by him directly but come on, this is just ridiculous
I had a meeting with my manager a few days ago and she basically told me I am not doing enough work. I want to preface this by saying, I work in marketing. At any given time, I am balancing social media, writing article, collecting and analyzing data, creating mass emails, and communicating with vendors. I have not missed a big deadline and I prioritize instead of getting stressed trying to finish everything. All of this is important because going into the meeting I was finally all caught up and I was working through those smaller/maintenance tasks I didn’t get to before. Sometimes I get nervous going into our meetings because she likes to put pressure on me to complete tasks by arbitrary deadlines that she sets and it gives me anxiety. But this time I wasn’t worried because I had everything done. Basically, she told me I should be…
Attention DETR Sufferers
A member of Nevada DETR Justice Facebook group shared a copy of his Federal Civil Rights Complaint based on violation of the 14th Amendment, Negligence, and Insurance Fraud. Federal suits need permission to proceed; they decide if you have cause for action or not. A Federal suit would focus on DETR violations and failures, you know accountability. DETR administrative processes focus on you and how to make everything your fault; they call the shots and State courts often give them a pass and ignore violations. Sign the petition and join Nevada DETR Justice for Federal Lawsuit resources. https://www.change.org/FightBack-SUE-DETR-ForYourUnpaidClaim-SignThePetition-GetFreeLegalResourcesToHelpYouGetYourMoney