30 days to change the items noted on the document, suggestions on next steps?
…but you're not a lazy piece of shit if you believe that work itself should be abolished for good. And the term “work” meaning the arbitrary 40-hour work week where someone is paid to monitor and scrutinize your every move during an unnecessary eight-hour shift. (Hell, who am I kidding? You now have to work more than 40 just to make end's meet nowadays, thanks to stagnant wages.) Conduct a study on yourself at work: Are you really “productive”, AKA working non-stop during your eight hours? Keep in mind you have to stay an extra hour each day since you clock-out for lunch. I bet you work half of that in a week; 20 hours of actually working. Plus if you're a producer, meaning you make products, do all of your products get sold? If so, do you reap in the profit? Fuck no. The owners get it all as…
I want to not get dicked over when I find work, and as broad, general and transparently lazy as this request is, can anyone help me find out what my entitlements and rights are here?
Work retaliation
I have audio proof that my manager is targeting me via demotion. My question is, if he ends up fired can I still sue the company for the retaliation?
Absence Review Meeting
I’m being called in for an absence review meeting in which my manager will decide whether or not to give me a written warning because I’ve been off sick twice in the span of 12 months (one day at the beginning of June and yesterday). I’m so frustrated at this situation. I’ve never been late, take on extra shifts when I can, keep my head down and have never had any trouble in any of my previous jobs. Now I’m being punished for being unwell for two days out of an entire year. I feel like this absence system is so harsh and unrealistic. I’ll be able to have a trade union representative attend the meeting with me, but I can’t help feeling really upset and worried. I don’t have the option of leaving either as I need this job to pay my bills/rent.
“We had many fine applicants for the position, including you. However, we have filled the position with someone whose background and credentials we feel best meet our needs at this time. We welcome you to apply for any future positions we have available that match your skills and experience.” Who else hates getting emails like this?
At least they were up front about it and it was the damned CTO that made that comment. The director and manager I interviewed with did drop a couple of hints at this but overtly said its all good (Like “Yeah it would be nice to get some sleep for a change.”) Instead of being up-front about it maybe they should be approaching that as a problem to fix but the attitude I got was that this is just the way it is. He tried telling me that all start ups are like that and didnt seem to bother noticing that my last two employers were start-ups and no, they were not like that.
Being Mean to Scabs Is Working
TLDR: Owners had their “Business Consultant” meet with me. Was pretty inappropriate; ultimately tried to bully me into quitting. I didn’t so I was fired. Main worry is if I can legally post the video I have from this inappropriate interaction. I was fired from my Store Manager position a few weeks ago in (my belief) direct retaliation of my standards and expectations for Maturity and Responsibility amongst the Owners and “Upper Management”. I had heard a lot of negative things about this specific “small business”, but it was convenient and a decent opportunity. This place also advertised themselves as being progressive. I have a lot of experience working in food service, hospitality, and just general customer facing service type jobs. I pretty much immediately noticed issues. Essentially everything from staffing issues, food storage and handling, customer service, quality control, adherence to labor laws. This place does not pay their…