
Nba social media employee leaves a message before leaving


Not taking unscheduled calls

My current gig is at a law firm. I do tech stuff for lawyers. I’m basically a ticket jockey – I go from one tasks to another for all the litigators in the firm. How I work usually is one task at a time but I can get several plates spinning at once. I can start a collection here, finish putting together a production there, and respond to an email now. That being said – a lot of the lawyers don’t like sending emails. I think they feel it’s not as efficient as a phone call. However, phone calls hijack my attention. I can’t focus on two tasks at once. Even doing related tasks to the call causes problems for me. I have taken a tact at times to just ignore calls. I usually do this at the end of my day or when I’m pissed at my boss. Except…


Just a rant. Toxic alert.

fuck the job market. fuck low paying jobs. fuck companies that treat employees like “family”. fuck jumping through multiple hoops only to be ghosted at the final stage of the screening process. fuck companies and their unrealistic/unreasonable expectations. The whole lot of y’all can just go and die. FUCK YOU ASSHOLES.


Hy-Vee fires intelligently disabled employee over canned coffee.


Outperformed my boss until he was let go.

Took a job a few years ago working for the most micromanaging a**hole I've ever met. He worked a 4 day week with the idea that I would support him and manage his site on his day off. Very quickly he would palm me off with his work which I made sure to document and save to the company cloud. This became a consistent pattern until he wasn't even logging into our internal systems or changing passwords because…why worry? I was there to do it all. Sometimes I'd finish it and document. Other times I'd deliberately not turn it in so he'd get chewed out. This is the same sort of boss who would micromanage his team, make sure to hold any little bit of shit he had on you for your appraisal/review and then use it against the team to make them cry. Even refused time off when an…


Extra responsibilities with no incentives

I’ve been working for a non profit for the last 9 months who basically told me initially that they would start me part time to learn and would move me to full time around month 5. I made it clear that I need full time and benefits/insurance and they were fine with that. At month 5 I never had any sort of review or was told anything about full time. Last month I asked my boss about it and he pretty much handed me the most odd ball hours (weekends, nights) (I typically work day only, like a 9-4 shift) and I was like damn that’s inconvenient. It still doesn’t amount to full time though. So now I have to work pretty much a few hours every single day of the week with no benefits. Two key members of our team just up and quit a few weeks ago and…


More and more and more work getting piled on me.

Mountains of work getting thrown my way and obviously no pay increase. Told my boss I dread coming to work this place is making me ill. I feel like I'm trapped since I have bills to pay, dunno what the point of this is other than to rant.


I want to quit my internship

I want to quit my internship. The internship is technically a year long, but there was no contract for it. So far I’ve been there for 4 months, and I want to leave in the next 2 months, hopefully after I’ve gotten my boss to upload a recommendation letter for me. I do admit that I’m learning a lot, but management is just so toxic. It’s a smaller business run by a husband and wife, and sometimes they are so passive aggressive and rude it makes me hate going to work in fear they’ll make a comment about what I’m doing or try to bring me down. My coworker is also problematic and makes things worse. He makes snide comments, is always trying to one-up me, and tries to make himself look better than me to my boss. What sucks is he’s my only coworker. I go to work only…


I had to get a new job out of necessity and now I’m never going to have a day off.

I have to work Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Then on Tuesday and Thursday’s I have mental health appointments all day every week, because I’m legit mentally ill. I also have a 9 year old in school. So after all my appointments it’s straight into homework and bed time. This means I literally will never have a day where I can just kick back and chill. Today is my last day off, indefinitely. I know it’s silly, but I can not stop crying. What a miserable fucking life.


The Psychology Behind Fear of Calling Out

What’s with the psychology behind being afraid to call out from work? Without revealing too much, let’s just say that I’m pretty sure my newish boss is a psychopath, so calling out has me going through all of these scenarios in my head before actually doing so (over thinking). And I consider myself to be a pretty strong person mentally, but enough is enough, when it comes to employers being absolute nutcases regarding LEGITIMATE call outs! Like most places, we’re understaffed, so one person calling out throws everything off. It’s a mad house. It’s 2023 and employers act as if they’ve learned NOTHING from the last 2-3 years! If I were an employer (I’ve had my own side businesses previously, but it was only me or me & 1 other person), I’d improve where I needed to improve, so that there is no toxicity coming from management or other employees…