
The irony of capitalists arguing “survival of the fittest, it’s nature” all while destroying the planet that keeps them alive.


Hotel Hell.. is pretty darn cathartic.

I stumbled upon this series on YouTube the other day. I’d never watched any Gordon Ramsey shows, but I was feeling it. After a couple episodes left me all choked up I feel like anyone who gets shit on at work a lot can really appreciate the premise. It’s usually Gordon comes in, staff tells him all the issues, Gordon absolutely obliterates the clueless tyrant owner, and then he helps build the whole ordeal back better and empowers the staff to make things right and now take shit from the owners. Boy oh boy if I could have Gordon come in and yell at my CEO and the board at my company it would feel so nice.


UK. Gone over my 12 week probation period with the company, Law states I should be matched with the fulltime workers pay, agency refusing. What next?

Hello, UK worker. I have worked for an agency over 12 weeks now and have passed my probation period with them. Acas states that my pay should be matched with the per hour rate of the workers who are full time with the company. However the agency are refusing and making up excuses to “wait for them to offer me a contract” What do I do? Or what are the steps? I am a administrator/storesman and on minimum wage. Sorry if this is posted in the wrong sub. But it's angered me.


So many people make their job their life

Its so annoying. I come in on Monday and check email to see messages sent from co workers working on Saturday. I understand the facility runs 24 hours but seriously I am allowed to have 2 days off a week. Just because you feel the need to work 7 days a week doesn't mean I have to.


Thirty-Day Notice to Resign

Hi all. I'm in Florida and working in healthcare. My job's policy states that we are required to give a 30-day notice in order to resign. During this 30-day period, all previously requested and approved PTOs become null and void. If you have an emergency and end up calling out on any of those 30 days, you no longer get your accrued PTO balance paid out to you. They made everyone sign a paper agreeing to this. (Some additional information: A lot of people here are very overworked and underpaid and it's VERY common for people to go MIA instead of formally resigning.) They also (only verbally) say things like “You are going to burn bridges,” if you don't complete the entire 30 days. And they imply they'll never be a reference for you and you'll never be allowed to work at the facility again if you wanted to come…


Threw out my back and got extremely sick with the flu at the same time.

Manager stated that I cannot use pto or vacation. That I need a doctors note or I will be marked “no show/no call”. Is this allowed? I did evidently get a doctors note to cover a few days. But I’m worried I won’t feel better in time and I will be retaliated against. Thanks


It’s no longer about being good at what you do, it’s about being better than someone.

The sentiment has slowly shifted thanks to capitalism. You want food in your belly and a roof over your head? It's not enough to get your act together and do the right thing- You have to be doing it BETTER than someone else consistently, or in other words: doing better than others has become new “the right thing to do”.


Whats even the point of living when all you do is to work?

Most people spend around 11 hours daily from Monday to Friday in work or work related tasks like getting ready and commuting. Then you have 2 days where you have to shove in all your hobbies and responsibilities and then the cycle starts anew. You are supposed to do this for 40-45 year. Then you get a small pension and if you are lucky you then have 20-30 years of free time during which your health and energy continuously deteriorates. If we get 4 working days and 3 free days every week and 6 weeks of vaccation instead of 4 or 5 we would have an actuay life and still be 90% as prodictive as we are with 5/2 days and just 4 or 5 weeks of vaccation. This model would be a life – what we have now is just a grind. I dont blame the people ripping of…


I’m tired of working my mediocre coffee job with clueless management.

I’m 25 and I work at a coffee shop. I’ve been making coffee for eight years now—I’ve worked at specialty cafes and I’ve worked at franchise locations. Right now I’m at another franchise location. It’s not the highest paying place I’ve worked (I make minimum wage, $7.25) but the tips are really good. $30-80/shift. After having spent some time in this line of work, I’ve developed a sense of pride for it. I feel like I understand the job and it’s general philosophy really well, and I enjoy being a pleasant part of someone’s day. As a general rule, I always strive to do my best, but I especially try to go above and beyond in this job, especially since I can make more tips that way, too. Anyways, the owner of this franchise is completely removed from the process and only has a minimal understanding of how her business…


The nefarious reason why Employers don’t want workers work from home