I work for a very small company in a managerial position. For clarity, I run all facilities, manage facilities maintenance, hire and manage contractors we bring in for specialized roles on a fairly regular basis, or at least that's what my job is SUPPOSED to be. Due to being a nonprofit and running on pretty minimal funds, I often end up being expected to personally do the work that I really should be bringing in trained professionals for. It's embarrassing the number of times I'm being unjustly counted on the carry out a task that I am simply not qualified to be doing and end up doing poorly. I've voiced my concerns on many occasions. For example, I'm not an electrician or a lighting technician. I can plug in and turn on lights, but it's certainly not going to live up to professional expectations. My manager, one of only two…
Finally in a good spot
I work two jobs. The full time job is inspecting fuel tanks and lines for gas stations, hospitals and the such. I have a company car, credit card and I get treated very well. My second job is an assistant manger at a gas station on the weekends. I don’t get paid well for the second, but I enjoy my direct manager and I get to work with my wife. I have tried for 5 years to get back to where I feel like I am comfortable. Am I wrong to expect the other shoe to drop? Especially after years of shit jobs and horrible managers.
While i know this is an anti-work subreddit, i would like to ask as to what your personal recommendations for somebody who is about one year out of high school with no former training. For some context, I have had two jobs ( Cashier, Dishwasher, Dough person ) in the past and around the start of the year i quit to pursue a side hustle / business. I'm 18 and physically fit, i can do jobs that require physical labor. According to others and managers i was a great worker and i put too much effort into things at times, usually resulting in far more output then expected. And while it did somewhat work out as i learned alot of skills and improved on certain things, certain parts didn't pan out because i wasted some time here and there. There is still alot to expand on however and im still…
What do you think about NEET/hikikomori?
Which would be understandable if it was like HUGE fuckup. I’m actually gonna kind of apologize because this will be my second post about about it so I apologize if I’m spamming. But out of nowhere I got let go when I thought everything was going great! It was an office job and hear-say is that you’re encouraged to find solutions on your own rather than ask when there it something you can’t figure out. Called “working independently”. I found this out AFTER being let go. Yes, I’m being a bit vague but if I was not “being independent” enough, would have been too much to ask to inform me so I could have a chance get my act together before they gave me the boot? (Yes, you’re only getting my perspective on this, so perhaps there is some thing I didn’t realize I did wrong that really was REALLY…
My entire adult life I’ve been working in restaurants, until I made it to fine dining management positions the past few years and I’ve come to realize I just hate restaurant work environments. They’re full of toxic people getting in your face every day because they ordered a halibut steak from their server and got mad that it was fish when it came out. I’m just not built for this anymore. I’m frantically trying to learn how to program so I can just escape and make a living working from home.
We're in a slow season right now, but they want us to keep busy. Very busy. They're monitoring our screens to make sure we are constantly clicking refresh to get new emails. They want us to click literally every second. Now, an 8 hour shift has 28,800 seconds. It takes 1.42 calories for each click. That's 40,896 goddamn calories they want us to be burning clicking a damn mouse for 8 hours straight. I tried bringing this up to my supervisor and her attitude was basically “WOW amazing you guys will stay so fit and skinny this is great” We make $15 a fucking hour, some of us aren't even eating 40 896 calories in a month. My question is, can they even do this? Am I being dramatic? Bad at math?