
Any penalty for not going back?

I work as a janitor. I still have a job, but it feels like I'm a ticking time bomb. ($16/hr) I've been applying to various other “marginally less slavery” positions online so my main question would be, are there any punitive measures for just not showing back up? Now, I'm obviously going to take many steps before I get to that point. My main step would be once I nail an interview/if I land a job, switch from full time to flex so I can get a couple extra dollars a week. However, my boss is a horrible, powertripping, incessantly micromanaging gremlin, and I've had visions of just walking out and going home when she says stupid shit to me. So in the event that I do manage to follow through with this plan, and I end up inevitably fed up after being civil for my entire employment. I do…


Friend’s coworkers are telling everyone about his criminal record, costing him a few jobs so far

Posting for a guy I went to school with and am friendly with. He wasn’t the wisest guy few years ago and got charged with and convicted of possession of controlled substances with intent to distribute. It was weed, which is illegal in Texas. He was sentenced to 20years in state prison but was paroled after 7 years. I don’t condone what he did and he knows it was stupid. In prison, he got a degree in accounting. Maybe not the most lucrative choice since his criminal record will hinder him from many finance jobs. He got a job in Accounts Payable at a midsized company upon his release. He’s unsure whether the company ran a background check and just disregarded his conviction or they failed to do so. A few months in, a coworker of his looked him up for unknown reasons and found his mugshot and case details.…


Litigation, Federal Investigation

I filed a federal lawsuit on my former employer. They are under the active investigations by three government agencies (complaints survived their screening process and were taken seriously) for ADA violation. I already submitted an ample amount of evidence showing the ADA violation by my direct supervisor. I was caught off guard today when one of my ex-coworkers brought him up. He was still working for the same company. I believed my former employer would have already cut him off to minimize the liability. How could an employer value this employee so much to the extent they would go this far? There is no family tie, etc. Anyone had a similar experience?


[CA] help with being fired on my two week notice

Hello all This was my resignation letter I, OP, would like to thank you for the opportunity and warm reception I’ve received within this region. All of you have been wonderful to me and I appreciate your dedication to the staffing industry. This notice is to inform you of my resignation from COMPANY effective 08/11/2023. Regarding my last check, I can pick it up from the Fullerton office on my last day 08/11 or (should my employment be ended by COMPANY upon reception of this notice – the state allotted 72-hour window). If this is not an option, I am able to receive it via FedEx at OPS ADDRESS I again would like to express my thanks for the wonderful training and kindness shown to me here. I wish COMPANY the absolute best and will always be cheering for both of your personal success as well. X______________________________ OP 07/27/2023 I…


partner got fired while recovering from top surgery

hey yall nothing super serious but like it’s so infuriating my partner has worked at an amusement park seasonally for the last 5 years, and this summer would’ve been their sixth season. they worked for about 6 weeks and then had to leave in order to get top surgery, something the management were aware of. the surgery went great and my partner actually recovered a lot better than they expected and wanted to start working again, so they emailed their bosses about returning to work sooner. no response. then they requested some shifts on their schedueling system a couple days later still was given no response. they then went on to check their work login a few days later and found out they had gotten locked out of it. and now at this point they were worried so they followed up with a second email. and then a week or…


Fired for a Barbenheimer Meme! Woo!

When I tried to put “Motherfucker” on a promotional t-shirt back in 2010, I understood management at that business being upset. Corporate punk-washing and “witty” socials were still growing/evolving. In 2015, we ended up doing it. But an ART MUSEUM firing me for posting a picture of two barbies in front of an installation? That blew my mind! I'm still struggling with their logic. Extra context: I'm being graceful as I can, but I'm split between sadness and absolutely reveling in the hilarity of the situation. They presented me with some trumped up PIP with a ton of either falsified or simply incorrect information after I explained why I thought the post was actually a good connection to us, but still said “If after my context you still want it taken down, I will do so immediately.” That was apparently insubordination?On top of that, the PIP Included “issues” on several…


[VENT] Called out sick, and having anxiety about being fired/treated poorly as a result, because of prev. work experiences.

At the very first few jobs I had as a teenager, my bosses threatened to fire me each time I called out sick. And at my job before my current one, I was fired for having a migraine and calling out ONCE, which sent me into financial insecurity. This has caused me to, now near my mid-20’s, develop a severe fear of calling out sick, which is what I had to do today. Keep in mind, I hold the same general consensus as we all in this subreddit do on these topics, but I still struggle with guilt. It sucks that even with aches, shakes, nausea and almost passing out + other things this morning, that I care so much about inconveniencing my boss for needing to go fulfill my duties that I can barely think about what I need to do to get better. I feel really ashamed and…


Maybe you shouldn’t lay people off and this wouldn’t happen

Holy shit. I’m laughing so hard I can’t breathe. One of my potential clients from the job that laid me off earlier this month stalked me on Facebook to get account help. “You stopped returning our emails and I hate to contact you on your personal Facebook about a work issue.” Sorry, they laid me off. “Can you get me in touch with someone there so they can help me?” Nope. “Why can’t you?” Because they laid off a ton of people, I don’t know who is still there anymore and who isn’t. And honestly, I am not going to help them make money off of my efforts and I am no longer there. “Oh…guess we should find a new box vendor.” Yeah, you probably should.


“The customer is always right”

I’ve been thinking about this phrase a lot lately as it keeps showing up here and in the various server subreddits I get recommended. I think I finally figured out why it’s funny to me. Obviously this isn’t some revelation, we all feel this way. Lately, when we hear “the customer is always right” it’s from the customer themself. I’ve always understood that phrase to be a guiding principle on how you treat guests or customers, something we tell ourselves to remind us to try to give good service or support. However when a customer says it it’s just a brat screaming “IM THE WORLD’S MOST SPECIAL BOY!” when told they can’t have their way.


Just got promoted to assistant manager, struggling to manage people in physically demanding job

I recently got promoted to assistant manager in my company, but I'm finding it difficult to balance my new managerial responsibilities with the physically demanding work that I do. I was promoted mainly because I know the ins and outs of the company, not because of my ability to manage people. I now find myself managing 20-30 employees who are mostly teenagers, and I'm struggling to find things for them to do while also helping out with the tasks that I'm putting on them. I feel weird and bad just going around pointing out tasks for them to do, but at the same time, I have so many extra people on my team. As a manager, I don't want to be one of those people who constantly nags and micromanages. I let my employees sit and do nothing if they're not getting in trouble. However, I'm starting to wonder how…