In Romania it’s just also F-upped, my puts in her notice. First of weird is because she is a team leader she has like 42 days notice while a normal worker has like half 🤦️. First tower lead was talking down ad her she was only chasing the money, then 2 days later he comes with lame plan ok let’s make a business plan to present to HR for a 10% increase…..really wtf. I told her don’t fall for it first he treats you like your a money b$tch and I’m like your a hypocrite cause let’s face it no body works for charity we all want to improve our standards and have more to give to our kids. Then the business case I’m like really! If he wants you so bad “HE” fights for the money cause if you fall for the trick eventually HR will say sorry we…
Feeling Cheated
This is gonna sound like a weird thing to get hung up on, but just bear with me here. When I was in high school, I absolutely despised the very idea of the SAT. I hated that you could maintain high grades for years, yet one single exam could still make or break where you could go to college. Regardless, I sucked it up, studied hard for it, and got a score I was proud of. I was accepted into the university I wanted. Flash-forward to college. Just as I settled into my major (a technical field), the pandemic hit. Remote learning was of significantly worse quality than in-person, yet my tuition remained the same. Worse yet, I was unable to secure an internship because of how bad the job market became during COVID lockdowns. I graduated a year ago with a high GPA, but was unable to secure a…
I'm in my late 20's and everyone here is at least 35, or older. Everyone has a house and kids and are married and I'm the only one who's not. It's their time with the company too, everyone has been here for years and years and as far as I can tell, my position keeps changing hands every 1.5 years or so. I just didn't think I'd be the youngest when I'm close to 30, it's a very strange feeling. Someone asked me if I'm “independently funded”, someone asked me why I drink tap water (our state is fine), someone told me that TMNT was before my time (??? That's like peak 90's cartoons). Is this a common thing for anyone else?