I asked my European spouse to guess at what the record number would be, and they guessed 2.5 weeks. This is sad
I work as an English teacher in Spain for a English language academy. In Spain, in the world of education it's usual to get a “fijo discontinuo” contract where you work during the school months and in summer you don't. You don't get paid for the summer months that you aren't working but by contract they have to “re-hire” you back in September. This kind of contract allows to ask for unemployment through those summer months that you aren't working. And you are also given a severance pay whenever you finish your scheduled months, as retribution for the time off and holidays (if you don't get them) you are legally eligible for according to the Spanish laws. As a teacher I'm usually scheduled from Monday to Friday. But my boss told me that I was not gonna get my severance payment, because I already enjoyed the time-off and holidays throughout…
Suffering 15 day long stomach bug
Send a email an hour before my shift stating I'm going to ER for severe stomach virus. Store owner doesn't check email. Then texts me next morning saying no call no shows are unacceptable. I had no patience with my response as I was in the ER and she already cuts my hours to 7hours a week. Though you might enjoy someone cussing at their ex boss she is the store owner and never checks her email.
Bit of a long rant, I apologize. Let me just start off by saying I'm childfree, will always be childfree, and have no idea where the hell this lady got the idea I would ever want children. Long story short, I leave for school in a month to study for a lab job I want to do. Currently I work in a doctors office and I HATE my current role. If it's not entitled doctors I have to deal with who literally stamp their Prada encased feet and calls us “bitches” like a petulant child throwing a tantrum because something isn't going their way, it's entitled patients who show up thirty minutes late and expect you to drop everything you're doing to see them immediately despite the fact that you're seeing other patients who did bother to show up on time. And not to mention the shitty working conditions for…
I handed in my notice at my morale-sapping shop job. I do have another, completely diffrent, venture lined up that im more than excited to plunge in to, however, today and tomorrow are my last 2 7/8 hour shifts The shop is pretty awful in my opinion. Absolutely filthy, cluttered, unorganised, bad record-keeping, bad management etc (which is why I've quit in the first place) and normally I'd spend my shifts trying to organise small sections, clean up, tidy etc. This is always undone by the manager and assistant manager the following morning (a mother/daughter duo who have been there over 12 years and clearly don't like change, but do seemingly like leaving bits of tobacco and mouldy coffee cups all around the tills). So I refuse to spend my last 2 shifts trying to hold back the tide like i have been doing for months. Which brings me to…
Job Offer Bait and Switch
Got laid off in March. Started looking immediately, but obviously the market is tough so I've been struggling. Saw a posting from my previous employer of a similar job to the one I was laid off from, so I applied. A lot of discussion happened between myself and my former manager but it wound up that I didn't get that job. Her manager then reached out to me to offer me a different position. Similar, but with some distinct differences (a larger sales element than what I'd prefer) but I agreed to it because I'll never turn down a legit opportunity in this climate. The offer was: – in office – 8 to 5 – hourly – some OT/ weekend work when busy – some travel between offices. We got all my paperwork done on Thursday and we agreed to a Monday start. Friday I get a call where now…
Getting past a prior jobs work trauma..
I worked about 10 yrs at an ib. Last July an event happened where a piece of that work that needed 3 months of work was given to me 5 hrs before the deadline. I did the best I could in the time I had left, but because of errors, I was hung out to dry. It caused me to re-evaluate my life and I looked outside. I got a better job, but the thing that really hurts and I can’t seem to move past, is that I didn’t get any send off: a farewell lunch (a tradition in this company) nor even any acknowledgment of my contribution. My new job is so much better, and my work life balance is amazing, but I can’t help but feel sad about the 10yrs of work and how I was treated before I left. It’s weighing more on my mind these days,…
I’m thinking of quitting my dishwasher job because it just isn’t the right job for me. I feel miserable while I work there and just don’t like its the right fit for me. I was just wondering though if quitting after 4 months will negatively affect me in the future as I’m only 16 years old?
I’m a nurse. And a couple years after nursing school I was pulled to work in the psych ward for a few hours, because of critical short staffing. Never worked there, should have refused, but new nurse and wanting to be a team player. Was told by senior psych nurse to ask a client returning from a day pass to put his personal belongings and have been to go and lock up(the belongings, not the patient). He puts his wallet, keys, cigarettes into the bin, and I noticed he’s holding something in his hand and slightly turning away like he’s hiding something (I’m thinking it’s drugs or cigs). I asked him what he’s got in his hand, and he lunges at me and slashes my leg with a box cutter. Security called , pt put in seclusion, trip to the ER and a 4” gash requiring over a dozen stitches…