Sleep Scheduled Destroyed By Work
Title is exactly what’s going on. I got a new job- and it’s a good job. I get to help people and even though it doesn’t pay a whole lot, it’s an important job that I can do without a degree. But I got F*CKED on the schedule and I’ve been livid ever since I found out. At no point did they ever tell me I would be the swing shift person- my co-worker showed me the month’s schedule and that’s how I found out. It’s absolutely destroyed my sleep schedule… everyone else gets consistent shifts and I don’t. My schedule was so bad in August that I had to talk to my supervisor, because it had me on 3 shifts that only had 8 hours between them, a day off, and then 4 more shifts with only 8 hours between them. I worked four overnight shifts in a row……
I work as a cleaner, my current role is to go to various buildings that have no cleaner (not staffed or they called off) and clean them. It is so fucking soul sucking, and the actual bosses fucking suck for reasons I don't have the mental capacity to type out right now, The hours suck. It's so draining and I barely have any time for myself, to even relax. And of course, the pay is so fucking meager for the amount of work we have to do, $13.00, we get nitpicked for every little fuck up, and management is so out of touch with us actual workers. My friend works as a fucking dishwasher for Chipotle and makes more than I do! I want to leave the job, but all the job listings I've seen are for manufacturing jobs and factory jobs, jobs that require experience, college degrees or speed,…
Unrelenting stress of the job
We used to be a team of three (A,B,C) with a very strong work ethic . We added two(D,E) to our team in the states over the last 7 years- both nice people and both capable to a degree but definitely work at a slower pace. Roll on two years ago and my manager (A)retires, they move B to a different team essentially losing 40 years experience off the team in one go which leave me to look after everything world(mins the US). The get manager from another team who knows little to nothing about what we do but it a great personal manager and good person. We add a junior from the states (F) but can’t expect too much from him for the first few years. We also added a senior person to assist me(G) but after 2 years this person really isn’t where they should be and has…
I’m allowed to have plans
So my job has this thing where they wait to post the schedule for next week Friday afternoon (on occasion saturday), it's very annoying to try to make plans not knowing what days you'll have free. I left Friday at 4pm and it wasn't up yet, I figured it's no big deal I'll just check it online when they post it later. I have group plans every other Sunday and have requested off every day I need from here to the end of the year. I get home and after a little while I check and you guessed it I'm working Sunday. I plan to call today (saturday) to try to talk to somebody about it. Any advice is welcomed and feel free to share your own experiences I mainly just wasted to rant and get this off my chest.
I'm just going to ask you guys what you think about this out of curiosity as it's not a big problem for me but I'm baffled. A bit of context: we run some short trips for tourists on a small crew. Recently a big company took over but they just do the paper work and leave everything to our manager and us. We have really good working conditions and a very good relationship. Our manager is very kind and never fails to meet our requests, but he is way too laid back. This means that occasionally he forgets to inform us about some things like maybe an extra trip to a new location that would need some testing and preparation or other minor things. This also puts extra work on our partner that makes the bookings that ends up having to micromanage some of his tasks and work closer with…
Oh the man born into a poor family in the middle of nowhere with Narcisistic/Abusive parents turned out to be a drug junkie? Well obviously he didnt work hard enough. Like Jess Bezos who had a rich Grandfather that owned like 100 000 Acres of land and parents that supported him and gave him 600k (inflation adjusted) to start his own business. Some people are born into sucess at the right time and place and all they have to do is not fuck it up. Others are born at the bottom of a canyon and have to climb to a position where others start. Since its that much harder many fail. These people worked actually 10x harder and not “not hard enough”.
Hey y’all. I’m the general manager of a restaurant. My daily duties include making sure money is right, putting out (metaphorical) fires, dealing with guests when they get upset enough to ask for a manager, making a record of noteworthy events every shift, organizing large parties, training new servers, hosts, bussers and bartenders, and doing inventory every night for the next day’s grocery order/orders (there is a possibility that the owner will have to go to multiple places to stock up for the day, because it is a very small chain and we can’t justify making a Ben E Keith order for everything everyday for profit reasons), making staff schedules, and meeting with liquor/wine reps to improve bar sales. I have been doing all of this for the last few months since I landed the general manager position for a not great but decent salary (60,000/year) for the last six…
How to quit your job politely?
26F here, i work at a research organization on a contract of about 06 months.. SO far it has been 04 months and i can not wait to leave the place as soon as possible. There are multiple reasons why i will not be extending my contract for example the job description on the ad was wildly different from what i was made to do in the office, the working hours were said to be 9 to 3 but for 3 months, we did 9 to 9 and only last week, we get free at 5, we didn't have a manager only one employee who was senior to most of us by 5 months, the higher ups gave petty cash to the admin for us to buy food or whatever whenever we stayed late but the admin took that money for themselves and initially the gave us transport from work…