
I think my new job is violating some health codes but I’ve only worked here for two weeks. Should I report them? (Cross posted here since I think y’all can help.


Per hour + bennies does not equal per hour.

If i make 15 an hour; PLUS benifits; how does my take home equal out to 8 an hour? To hell with the wording of that shit. PLUS should mean on top of wage. Not taken from.


“So i see you have been changing jobs very frequently and it seems to me that you are either unhappy wherever you go, or you make people unhappy so they let you go”

I have been interviewing for a huge software company which operates worldwide for the managing director position for the DACH (Deutschland, Austria, Corpus Helvetica) or how i love to call it SWAG (SWitzerland, Austria, Germany) region of Europe. The companies approach to enter markets is mostly by buying out existing software companies which do some similar software regarding financing, refinancing, project management, cash flow / liquidity planning etc. I currently work in corporate real estate, having gained more and more experience & responsibility over the past 12 years. In those past 12 years i have switched jobs 5 times, some due to shitty work conditions, some due to not being able to climb the corporate ladder further. With each job change i gained a higher salary, different & new responsibilites and most importantly a larger network. At the beginning i would just know about finance modeling, then i started negotiating…


A business I can get behind


I got dressed down for not doing my bosses work for him

Apologies for the long rant. My team lead is a certified workaholic. He can’t take a day off without checking in or doing work from home, and feels like he can’t trust the rest of the team to function without him. It got so bad he was preparing to change positions to a less stressful role in the company, paving the way for me to take his position and pay raise as the next most senior person on the team. Cut to my “dumb” decision to have a child and take 8 weeks FMLA, and while I’m gone the lead decides he doesn’t want to leave and is keeping his job. I don’t find out till I come back, which is great. So now there is no clear path for promotion in the company for me and I’m stuck spinning my wheels. But hey they did give me a small…


Tried Task rabbit today

There's this service called “TaskRabbit” which basically lets you sign up to do odd jobs for people. Kinda like Uber but for random stuff. I did a gig today to clean someone's place. Had never been to a rich person's apartment/house before. WTF! The guy was in his 20s. Had a really nice apartment. Lived alone, no roommates (!!). And he could afford to have my come and clean it for him while he just sat back and relaxed. Meanwhile here I am, in my apartment with 2 roommates working a job and doing these side gigs.


When yo don’t have to work tomorrow!


5 years of unpaid overtime, empty promises on promotions, personal relationships destroyed, and this is all I have to show for. Even got my name wrong. I quit last month.


In Australia we get a document that informs us of our rights regarding pay, leave entitlements, termination rights etc. Do Americans get anything like this?


Buckminster Fuller on Jobs (I haven’t seen this posted in a long time and it is a real gem.)