I don't know if this is common in work place. I am an engineer working for a small company and the management is mostly mid age white male. I am Asian. I don't want to play the race card, but for some reason my white friend who joined the company together with me was never assigned any hard work. On the other hand, I work at least 10 hours a day and much of the work assigned to me is boring and tedious… What should I do?
Long rant, just hear me out.
I’m a heavy duty mechanic currently working at a municipality. We are unionized, and currently in contract negotiations. It doesn’t look promising for us in the contract, as in we probably won’t expect much in terms of benefits or even a pay raise. The main reason for this is because the city tries to negotiate the contract for everyone, the drivers, the labourers and tradesman together. We are skilled workers, we went to school and our job is dangerous on many levels. Currently, our salary is approx 36$/hr, the top drivers makes close to 32$/hr. We are required to fix all of the following types of vehicle; heavy duty trucks (dump trucks and snow removal trucks) front end loaders, small tractors, tracked snow removal vehicle (model is called prinoth sw4s if you’re curious), heavy duty pickups, riding lawn mowers, street sweepers. I can say, maybe 5-6 years ago it was…
Fired for being sick during covid
I’m not going to name the business (until someone asks me too) but i was working for a manufacturing/construction company back in 2020. I was new to the working world so I admit I had a couple late clock-ins and fake sick days. September of 2020 (during the time we all were still required to wear face masks) I was feeling very ill and had a cough, I knew i would be in hot water if I called out so close to my shift starting so i took some medicine and went into work. I immediately went up to my supervisor and told him I had a cough and was going to go get a covid test so I wouldn’t be able to work that day (our workplace had handed out papers at the beginning of covid explaining that any symptoms warrant a sick day) my supervisor said that was…
So im definitely not doing this and idk if anyone else is either. We have one person that works M-F out for Vacation this week. Another person turned in their 2 weeks but they worked Tuesday through Saturday. IF anyone comes in they won't get this following Saturday off as a comp day. But only treated as overtime. Their exact wording was “It would be too hard to have another person out”. Just sounded like bullshit to me. I already worked a boat load of OT last month so I'm not breaking my back.
Kids in school basically sit all day (I was in school from 7 AM to 4 PM plus 2 hours of commute). The same was highschool, and then College if you go, and then undergrad school and again in grad school. And it's the same story if you get an office job which is the most common kind of job and it's the one I'll have to get given my career. But what happens when you suffer from chronic back pain, and 8 hours of office work seems unfeasible? Can somebody here share some of your experiences about having to work 40 hours a week with some kind of chronic pain or disability? Did you find any way you can cope a little better with this situation? In my case, I hope I can find a WFH job or at least an hybrid job. Thanks for the feedback!
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Curtin I'm not smart enough to convey how lame arguing about how pants parts or melatonin levels or religion or age or conviction record should not preclude you from universal citizenship benefits as a worker or a between gigs worker. US Dems and Repubs have failed at every turn for half a century or more. Read about thia dude and then look to Bernie and AOC. WE need a 3rd party. A workers party.
When applying for a job a month back, during the interview I was asked several questions that I had my own questions about. This is my first “official” job, all other jobs were under the table such as cleaning and babysitting so I wouldn't know if these questions are common, and what their reasonings are. To give some context, I was hired on the spot, I'm 23, from Canada and this is a job for a fast food restaurant. The first question was who I lived with and if I had any pets. The following question was how did I take care of that pet, and what were my responsibilities around my house. After that I was asked if I was single or if I was in a relationship. During the interview my though process was that they were trying to asses if I had larger priorities that could pull…