I can't agree more. I've worked a lot of jobs, many “entry level”, where people require little to no prior experience with the job in order to successfully do the job, but NONE of those jobs have required no skills whatsoever. What I find is that people use the term “unskilled” to generally mean: Skills that a 'normal' person acquires through growing up and existing in society. In other words, things like: Being able to fake-smile to customers Counting money Moving things from warehouse to shelf Bagging things Following instructions such as “bring that thing over here” The problem is that many “not skills” required by “unskilled” jobs are NOT the kinds of things that people develop naturally, and tend to be skills that are really counterintuitive to how humans live, learn, and thrive. For example: Interacting with the public consistently with the purpose of presenting a positive image of…
Why I’m AntiWork
The CEO of Walmart makes about 25.7 million a year, this translates to 12,355.77 an hour. 12,355.77 ÷ 60 = $205.92 a minute. 205.92 × 4 = 823.71 a day for 4 minutes in the bathroom 823.71 × 5 = 4,118.59 a week in the bathroom 4,118.59 × 52 = 214,166.68 a year for 17.5 hours spent in the bathroom. The average Walmart employee makes 34,112 a year at 16.50. The CEO of Walmart makes 6x what his workers make in a year IN THE BATHROOM
If your car is new and expensive, they figure that you are 1. Making enough to afford it so no big raise for you, and 2. They figure that you are trapped at the job so no need to give you an incentive to stay. They already know where you live and look up what you pay on rent and mortgage. I speak from experience. Do. Not. Work. In. HR!
I recently quit my job during my 3 month probation period because they essentially lied to me about what my responsibilities would be and because my manager was the worst manager I’ve had in my 10+ year career. I quit before finding new work because 1. Financially I can afford to be out of work for a few months and 2. Because I was working so many hours I found it hard to job hunt and interview. Now when I’m applying for new jobs I’m finding I’m not getting anywhere near as many interviews as I was before. The recruiters I’ve spoken to have all said the short time I was in the role is probably a red flag, but why should it be?! A probation period should work both ways. I even got rejected from a role and the feedback was that they were concerned about the reason why…
There was an active shooter scare at my workplace. Some people chatting on FB about a recently terminated employee worked themselves up and made a false 911 call. There was no active shooter but multiple law enforcement agencies responded and showed up to my workplace looking for an active shooter. The street was shutdown, buildings were emptied and searched, all employees on the grounds were questioned. While being questioned one of my team members gives my name to the cops. She told them three things: that I am angry with the company, that I was asking about buying an assault rifle, and that she is afraid I will shoot up the workplace. To be clear, I have recently acted through corporate channels to speak up against recent decisions with which I disagree. This does not translate as me being angry with my company. My company encourages us to speak up…
A quote from 51 years ago about business
“The more freedom is extended to business, the more prisons have to be built for those who suffer from that business.” Eduardo Galeano, Open Veins of Latin America (English translation)
We need a symbol
We need a symbol for the working class/ workers rights. Something we can slap on face masks, t- shirts, pins, etc. Can't be the sickle and hammer too many jobs have a policy against “political symbols.” Needs to be something new.
I work at a pharmacy in Quebec, as a supervisor. It's a small one, but we're one of the most popular ones in terms of prescriptions in the area, so we see a lot of clients. Out of the many problems we have, we are terribly short staff. There have been multiple new hires that end up not showing up to their shifts. (I wonder if my boss has anything to do with that) One of my co-workers (we'll call her J) that I really enjoy working with was let go today and my boss said it was because she was “too slow to learn”. I know J personally, because I went to highschool with her son, so I know she has some mental issues from a passed relationship and she recently went through surgery. So, I knew to be patient and accommodating with her. You can imagine my surprise…
I wanna be a strong independent woman.
I want to be a strong independent woman. And I am! But I’m not gonna lie if I said I don’t just wanna be a woman and be pampered. Be able to stay at home with my babies and not support the family. I just want a rich guy to come save me so I don’t have to work 50-60hrs a week just to survive. I want a new purse and cute shoes to match.