
Quit job after being wrongly accused of stealing

Reading through stories reminded me of something that happened a couple of years ago when I was working in shopping centre food court. Was probably a pretty standard job where I started on the register but eventually learned all the back kitchen jobs as well since one of the guys from the back quit. The manager was also really dodgy e.g. rostering himself normal hours but rarely actually being at work. Which meant me and my mate who worked there pretty much ran the place since the manager almost never was. The only thing the manager did was the bookkeeping in the morning once a week. He was meant to count the money in the till at the end of each day but since he wasn't there normally I would do that as well. So far the only person missing in this is the owner. He lived in a different…


Quit my job of 6 years Friday, and it’s been a whirlwind.

To give backstory: my manager – a lazy, notoriously passive-aggressive manipulator that is the wife of the owner of the business and therefore only got her position due to proximity, gathered our tiny staff of 8 so she could shit on us – but mainly me – this Friday. Weeks ago I was sat down with the owner and manager due to my “non-team player attitude” because I had refused to train the new assistant manager on how to do a portion of my duties that they were giving to her – our inventory, that I had revolutionized and meticulously babied and brought out of the dark ages that it had been in when I started.I told them that I wouldn't be teaching anyone how to do this aspect of my job because no one had taught me and that I felt it was the duty of management to teach…


The US is not designed to be a what people think it is

Average life span in the US… 2019; 78.8 years 2021; 76.6 years Legal age of retirement if you’re born before 1954, 66 years old Legal age of retirement if you’re born after 1960, 67 years old Which means by the time you’re done working in this country you’re expected to have less than 10 years to live, what were you doing 10 years ago? Don’t fall for the “work hard to get what you want and progress” because why would the man above me tell me the secret to taking his job from him that gives him such a comfortable life? A lot of countries are starting to adopt 8 hour 4 day work weeks without any loss of pay,dot countries legal require all employers to give employees 4+ weeks of PTO/vacation time, for our country it’s 0 weeks and we have to EARN IT, we have to EARN our…


Open mouth, insert foot, broadcast live

While reading the posts here I was reminded of a funny incident from my first job. This was back in the early 1980s, when people routinely listened to radios at work. My particular work location included a manufacturing area, where some people had their radios on during their shifts to keep their minds entertained (Internet-connected cell phones were still 20 years away). One station encouraged people to “listen to us while you work,” and asked music trivia questions throughout the day where the Nth caller who could answer the question got some cool prize. Well, somebody at our location knew the answer, called in, and was the right numbered caller! So they were live on the air with the DJ, who asked the employee’s name, the company where he worked (remember this: it matters later), and all the usual happy stuff they talk about when someone wins a prize. Unfortunately,…


TW: PILLS/SUICIDE. Friend hospitalized after suicide attempt/OD and managers asked for a note from the hospital so I could have days off. I quit.

I was working at a dispensary that was opened because the owners' mom experienced a better quality of life while dying of cancer. ​ My friend/chosen family had a…. situation, a suicide attempt. I let all the bosses know I could not come in the next day because I would be travelling 4 hours to be with my friend. The night I found out about my friend and sent those messages, two asked me to message other employees to get my shift covered. I did not. That is not my responsibility! ​ The next day (the day after the news, and the day I was 4 hours away and needing to be with my friend) I sent my managers a message that said I could not leave– chosen family, anxious love. Ya know? Their response– Can you get a note from the hospital? My response– NO. Doctor/patient confidentiality. You do…


getting fired for having another job

has anyone else been fired for the above reason? i was being trialled for a new job, everything had been going well. my past experience was appealing, and they decided to hire me. except after 2 weeks, my boss found out i was working for them alongside another job. for context, this was a casual position at a cafe, 2 days a week, and i was working 2 days a week at my other job. once my boss found out i had another job she fired me, accusing me of “wasting their time” and calling me disappointing. has anyone else had this happen to them? should i take some sort of action because of this, or is it reasonable for bosses to want you to work for them only?



I got hired on as a manager at burger king because of my 2 years prior experience with the company, and was pretty stoked after a year of unemployment and $16 an hour starting. But my boss has done a TOTAL 180 on me since hiring me…just treats me like SHIT. And she gave me a verbal write up on my work record today for insubordination for defending myself and saying “I'm not stupid”… Well, FUCK YOU BURGER KING! I'm not gonna show up to my next shift Tuesday, then when she calls asking where I am I'm gonna tell her I'm not working for a 400 pound burger troll for $16 an hour, I want to work with people I actually like and respect. Then she's gonna be forced to come in and cover my shift. I'll have a new job by next week bros


Found these old emails, shame I didn’t keep any texts when I quit. I was so naïve lol


Logistics of stopping work on a large scale

This is my first time here and I relate to much of the sentiment, but I am a little confused. Given that automation is not yet at the point where our species can dedicate 100% of our time to non-work activities, if none of us work, how would we obtain the goods and services needed to satisfy our base needs? (Pls be specific, not just “F rich people”)


Thought I finally found a good place to work

Everything was going great. Best salary I have ever had, all my benefits were paid for by the company. Unlimited PTO and you could expense anything work related including internet if you were remote (which I was). 8 months of bliss working for a company in a relatively stress free environment from the comfort of my own house. If I need to step away for a little bit, go right on ahead. Need to take an afternoon off or a mental health day? See you tomorrow. Want another monitor for your setup to better perform your duties? Get it ordered and ship the receipt. I was part of the “new hires” having been there less than a year. The department when I got there was basically 4 people with a couple of tier 3 support staff above. Not a large crew, but in my time we grew to a team…