
terrible job

i started this new job about two months ago. i am absolutely miserable. it’s physically straining, no one takes me seriously (have been told multiple times that i’m “young” and that others “have been doing this for decades”) and my chronic pain is not taken seriously or into account at all. it’s 1 am and i’m scheduled at 9 am and i’m calling off. i am so tired and so burned out. it’s only been 2 months. please offer words of support i need them rn lol


Here’s a little poem I wrote, though underdeveloped. I call it “Coffee”.

A caffeinated catalyst, to open one’s heart and eyes To get you through your day, and until your demise. We work today Until the time that we can lay. As dark water keeps flowing Nobody has the knowing That that day Could have always been yesterday.


The crazy Jen saga continues.


“Employee Appreciation”

Sitting at work, at my much improved job, browsing this sub reddit, the “Mando fun” post reminded me of something my last job did. Had quarterly “Appreciation” days/events, where the plant shut down anyway, but you had to make up those hours earlier in the week. The real funny one was actually after I left. Got a Snapchat from a coworker showing a really fancy dinner they got on one of those events. Asked him how much the dinner cost him, not the drinks, just the food. $50. You want to show me appreciation as an employee? Give me a random paid day off, or an envelope with cash


Hey.. If we see people exploiting workers, why don’t we complain to management like karens do all the time?

We can weaponize their own bullshit against them. Seriously, next time you're at a place where employees are being degraded with shitty uniforms or a manager is yelling at them in public or some bullshit is happening like that, why don't we complain? If they can do it, so can we!


Any good anti work quotes???

Context: I'm currently working a shitty job, for shitty pay, no benefits, etc. I'm actively looking for employment elsewhere. However, I was wondering if some of yall had any good quotes, cuz I plan on leaving behind a bunch of quotes all over the whiteboards everywhere when I finally decide to leave the company and quit. Bosses here cant keep anyone on staff due to a variety of valid reasons, and then turn around and say “Well, no one wants to work anymore” hurr durr durr… Theres no incentives, no bonuses, no wage increses or raises, etc. No one wants to work for you guys. Lol. Anyway, hit me with your best stuff or ideas of your own. Thank you for your time


Retail is making my depression worse

I've have depression for the longest time and figured getting a job again would help out. I live with my parents, I start earning a wage again. Start working after a series of doctors' visits and hospital stays. I work as a cahier and now bagger at a grocery store But nope. In fact it's made it much worse. My managers treat me like crap and can't even get help and seek therapy because my hours are all the place to even schedule a appointment.


Since when was a group text with co workers and supervisors a thing? The most toxic workplace group text that I can’t opt out of because of android users.


First I’m taken off the schedule then this
