
Unionizing or striking

My job, who shall remain nameless for now, announced that they were giving us a pay raise at our mandatory fun day. It hasn’t entered effect yet and now we are facing massive hour cutting. I’m one of the lucky ones who is only getting cut by 28% of my hours. Others are looking at well over 50-60% cut backs. It’s all thanks to a new autoscheduler they have decided to start using. I’m looking at about a loss of a third of my monthly paycheck at best (most likely more). I need a second job now for sure but thanks to this autoscheduler my 19 hours of work are spread out over 4-5 days. To top it off I have to drive well over an hour to get to my job and then we’ll over an hour home. I realistically can’t get a second job thanks to needing to…


Ive worked 50 hour weeks for the last 6 weeks

You'd think I'd be rich and living my wildest dreams, but after my bills come out I'm left with enough for an energy drink. Every week, without fail, £2.50 left. I've literally had to quit smoking because of this. I'm covered in burns, muscle fatigue and if it wasn't for the fact that I work in a kitchen, I wouldn't be eating. I'm so fucking sick of working for peanuts


Remember: Low unemployment doesn’t mean low underemployment

Unemployment is a BS statistic which says little about underemployment. I've had plenty of jobs that paid less han my rent. I've had plenty of jobs that were below my skill level because my kinds of skills were not hiring me. If someone cites low unemployment as an argument that the economy is good for workers, remember how many of us are underemployed. “Technically working” doesn't imply sustainable work.


Unions are great but they have their limits. At some point we need a takeover, not just unionization.

My last job was unionized. Great, right? The union guaranteed pay raises for hours worked, and benefits for all employees over (I believe) 20 hours per week. Guess what the company does? Hire shit tons of people so they can spread out hours as much as possible to minimize benefits and slow down raises. Who gets at least 20 hrs? Ahahahaha almost nobody. There is clearly room to renegotiate there, but my point is that unions didn't defeat brutal exploitation of workers. They just forced the company to find loopholes. We need to hold dipshit companies like this (Empire Company Ltd) accountable and overthrow this insanity. When unions don't work, we need to do more.


Boss had me drive this 8 miles to dump at his barn. “jUsT TaKE tHe BaCk rOadS”


a very outrageous post


Fairway CEO upset over memes and threatens to go after licenses


“ThErE iS a LaBOr ShOrtAgE”

Yes tell there is a labor shortage and not a hesitation to pay a market wage. Processing img dql7u6nzwma91…


Depressing realisation

I cant help but to write things, Ive come to the realisation that i only work to survive. I get up 05.30am get home 6pm and then its rush to make food and maybe get 1 or 2 hours for some me time. I used to dream of making enough to get a little cottage somewhere in a forest. To be able to “return to nature” grow my own crops and all that. But the longer im in this dreadful soulcrushing cycle of working just to exist the further away the dream seems to be. Sadly i cant really complain on my job, i know i got it better than many, A manager that does care, good coworkers and a decent paycheck. But its just the closer i get to my dream the more i haye my non existing life and question if my sacrifice is worth it..


My assistant just quit because my boss was abusive to her and sexually harassed her. He’s done these same things to me for 4 years and I feel helpless. These cases go mainly unknown as the victim says nothing or feels powerless. The numbers reported are probably 10% of the actual numbers.