
He was grossed out, man.


I keep hearing that job hopping can be healthy for your career. Can you share your experience(s) with this? In what field?


I really REALLY wish I could quit

This is more of a rant than an informative post so I apologize in advance. I work at Walmart and it is honestly soul crushing. I could write a book on all the unsafe, unethical and downright unnecessary bullshit I've seen in my almost 9 years at this shit hole of a company. I and several other coworkers have tried many different approaches to reporting this behavior but nothing is ever done and really, I'm just tired of it all. You know who gets promoted here? A former manager at my store got promoted to run his own store. This man hits in every young girl that walks in the door. He was a former “resource officer” at a high school and was fired for “dating” high school girls. He slept with an associate AT THE STORE. All the hourly supervisors? Young 20 something's that kiss ass and are friends…


Salary in the job posting

What do we have to do to get jobs to include the salary in the online job posting?! IMO it should be required. Companies like indeed should take a stand and require the salary or they can’t post the job. What do they have to hide? These companies would get better pools of candidates by posting the salary. It’s a TOTAL waste of time to make people go through with applying, multiple interviews, etc for the candidate to not accept because of the pay.


boss is being condescending

im 22F & work in a small consultant business. my boss has recently sent condescending emails to me & they make me feel small & stupid, i’ve actually cried about it as pathetic as that seems. i guess this is more of a rant i just don’t appreciate being made to feel small & have constant fear that im not good enough or that im on the brink of losing my job.


I wish companies would allow more vacation days, especially in your first year with the company.

I’m about 10 months at my company, and, while I really love what I do, I wish I could take a long vacation. I’m trying to save half my days for next year, and even if I didn’t save any and used all 10 days right this second – it wouldn’t be long enough. Nor do I have the money for that long of a vacation. I’m just worn out in general (from a mixture of life things). Even the 15 days I get starting after my first full year doesn’t feel like enough. Does anyone else feel this way?


Taco Bell dictating what its employees post on social media


why does everyone act like blue collar workers don’t deserve good pay?

I've been working in factories since I graduated high-school and I'm shopping around for a new job, well im asking for $20 an hour well every factory is trying to under pay people and offer $15 minimum wage is freaking 14 in Connecticut there's no way I'm working for a dollar over minimum. They always try and talk me into it by saying “we offer 10 hrs of overtime.” Like dude my job I can work 84 hours at my place if I want I don't need 50 hrs. Little rant over thanks for reading


Got a call from my ex-employer’s lapdog today

He said the company is failing without me and that I should really consider coming back to work. Translation: they can’t find anyone to replace me for the shit pay. It’s been three weeks. I’ve had interviews, I’ve been offered a job pending the second interview next week. It’s not the same pay as before but I’ve also been delivering for Uber eats and I think between the two I can make it work. So while I do need money, I am not by any means desperate yet. I talked to my ex-boss about two weeks ago. I told him how I felt. He said it was all in my head and I wasn’t being abused, and made it perfectly clear that he thinks he did nothing wrong. So nothing is going to change. I told his lapdog that today and he said, “but I miss you. Please just consider…


Looks like Sri Lanka’s may have just pulled off the county wide revolt that many on this sub dream of.

Sri Lanka's Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe on Saturday said he was willing to resign and make way for an all-party government to take over, shortly after protesters reportedly breached his official residence in Colombo during demonstrations over the country's worsening economic crisis. Sri Lanka is suffering its worst financial crisis in recent history, leaving millions struggling to buy food, medicine and fuel. Anger reached unprecedented levels in the South Asian nation of 22 million on Saturday, as more than 100,000 people massed outside Rajapaksa's residence, calling for his resignation.