
1974 called and wants its minimum wage back.


the unpaid promotion as a reward for my loyalty.

Hiya reddit, longtime lurker and firsttime poster. Please bear with me as I am on mobile and English is not my native language. This is a long post and a vent, but I am in need of advice and empowerment too. TL;DR: New upper management want me to be their new right hand. I value my employees enough to feel heartbroken about this woman's new result-based management and complete disregard for human beings. This is not leadership or ownership in the slightest. I feel horrible for the people I work with. I have been with this huge, financially healthy, entertainment company in France since 2015. Started as an employee and after a few years I got promoted to management in 1 of our many locations. It is a company where the employees are more like friends, and everyone is devoted to each other, helps each other out, the loyalty WAS…


Nobody wants to work anymore… when you take away benefits you promised them!


This is the kind of protest we need for days on end. But sadly, we’re stuck in our day to days because we need food and shelter and money to pay for them.


Ooooh wfh is why wages havent increased /s

Working From Home Isn't a Free Company Benefit


The Birth of the Darknet Marketplace


Stream factory in China.


Successfully went through PIP that was initiated for no reason. What to do now?

Hi everyone, That’s my story: I started a new job in a medium size Pharma company (I work in Finance) and after 3 months I received my probation period valuation (in written) where I exceeded expectations in almost all my objectives Then, a new boss (hired from outside) joined the team and after only 6 months he put me in PIP. He just announced that by sending a meeting at 9pm for the day after. We never had any discussion (formal or informal) about my performance being off track. He kept extending the PIP every month despite I was delivering against the objectives (I have everything in written) with the aim of wrecking my nerves. He provided no support/guidance along the way. After 3 extensions, not having any other excuses, he told me I had successfully completed the PIP. All this happened in the first year, I have been in…


Being pushed to accept job offer while still in negotiation with other potential employers.

I threw out resumes to six jobs I was qualified for, and ended up hearing back from four of them. Those four potentials have ended up taking me all the way down the interview process. One company has been very efficient and ended up getting me an offer within a week. They want a response ASAP, but I'm still speaking with the other companies and am a little reticent to jump too quickly. What's a bigger red flag, an interview process that drags, or an employer who wants you to start working asap?


2 days…just 2 god damn days

My job slammed with another employees work on top of mine since she was on vacation; sucks but I’m fine with that. I told them that they shouldn’t expect her quality cause I’d been working there for only 1 month and she’d been there 5 years. They said it didn’t matter. During her week long vacation, I got sick. Really sick. And I had to miss 2 days of work. Just 2 days. They fired me, terminated my contract and got away with it cause I came in through a temp agency. Im fucked now. I have zero idea how I’m going to make rent and I have no idea how I’m gonna care for my loved ones. My job, my insurance, my phone, my rent all thrown out because of just 2 god damn days.