Hey everyone. My fiancé was telling me about some billboards in Toronto raising awareness on the price gauging in the house market. It got me thinking, that’s a great way to raise awareness in my city on the anti work movement. A little backstory on my city – um, well, I guess I’ll just say my city. Creepy men plz don’t hurt me. I live in Windsor, ON. AKA “Ford City.” Yup, Henry Ford, the inventor of 9-5 work life, has a big history with my city. Evidentially, we are an automotive city with the 9-5 life at an automotive factory being synonymous with winning the lottery. I wish I was joking, but nope – if you get a job at an automotive factory people will congratulate you and even envy you. I live among a crowd that is so miserable from being beyond burnt out from their jobs -…
I was told things would be different
In elementary school I thought that someday we would have electric cars and flying saucers Ready to take us to our high powered visions of new discoveries In junior high I wondered if I would paint murals or become an intercity organizer. Maybe I would be a part of a new movement toward creative peace and understanding. In high school I wondered if I would discover new microbes or write a book about better ways to relate. Perhaps I would work in a supportive role to highly respected officials, creating the next big new dimension machines. Upon graduation I found that what awaited was jobs at the local bagel shop. My soul left my body and I became empty.
come break the financial system with us
Get zero breaks.
I just started this new job and they are constantly hiring. I was hired on the spot and it’s minimum wage but I thought it would be okay because there was enough hours. Well I work 8 hours straight and don’t get a single break but other people do??? They are just in a different part of the building. Also my manager is rude and lazy. Sorry for the rant but I’m so over this already and Im noooooo where near retirement and hate the fact that I have to do this for pretty much the rest of my life if not the full span of my life.