I recently quit my job for a new position and raise. In the beginning of the year, I expressed concerns about pay and requested a 15K raise to 60K. I worked 40-60 hours a week, cleaned up an administrative mess last year when I started the new role, didn't take time off, was a top sales performer across the company. I was given an “above average” raise of 3K. Didn't even meet inflation percentage in Canada. Resigned this week after getting a new position with a pay increase of 10K. Just saw them post the hiring ad for my position at 50K-55K, more than what I was making after 3 years with the company. How would you feel about this?
quit my toxic job today
I work for a healthcare company that owns a bunch of mental health, substance use, and eating disorder treatment centers. It was recently acquired by a private equity firm. I started there in October and 8 people have left already. I'll be the 9th, with another leaving next week. The director was a PO before this job and has no clinical experience, no background in medicine, therapy, social work… also, no masters degree so she can't even legally do any of the stuff we as clinicians do, yet she makes insane policies and then if we say anything, like “this is too much to fit in,” or “I'm overwhelmed” she's like “well this is the expectation.” No support, no dialogue. The goal is to cram as many clients into the room as possible, nevermind the quality of care. How can I give every client the attention they need? I don't…
Never work for family
I worked for my brother in law doing landscaping and stone work for the last three years. Summers were nice, because my parents are snowbirds- live in Florida during the winter and come back to Maine in the spring. They set up their camper at the shop – so it’s nice to see them every day. I had a conversation with an employee – big mistake- that employee went to my brother in law and told him what I said – obviously out of context. The subject matter of the conversation was family related- not work related- and a couple days later – on a job site, my brother in law/boss started making snide comments in front of everyone about me not liking him. I finally had enough of the comments and asked him what his problem was – and he fired me. I’ve yet to see that side of…
Went to a store to get my photos from a year of cell phone shots. Lone employee in huge store gave them to me. I took it to the self-checkout and it scanned as 29 cents. I called him over and he said, “yeah, it's 29 cents.”
I fucking hate so much that apparently i'm failing at life and I'm the problem when I'm put in this shitty ass situation. How is anyone doing it right now? How? I ran out of gas in the middle of my commute today and had to get my boyfriend to come pick me up because I don't get paid until tomorrow and have 50 cents in my fucking bank account. Just how am I supposed to do this? I want to scream I hate living in this situation so much right now.