
Do you think the Fed’s goal of stopping an inflation feedback loop by causing higher unemployment will net them the results they are after?

Apparently, the Fed is worried that higher prices and higher wages will cause an inflation feedback loop that could lead to hyperinflation and is raising rates, hoping to reduce “demand” and increase our unemployment rate. And yeah, layoffs are starting to happen, but there's still a labor crunch. Correct me if I'm wrong on all that. I might be talking out of my ass. I don't think I am though.


hard to maintain our parent’s standard of living without being imperialist.

I get the impression most people don't like the idea of America taking the world's resources, but I'm afraid that's how the past 2 generations enjoyed the low cost of living. I don't think anyone can be trusted with the job of redistributing the wealth we have now either. So I think we'll need to learn to be happy with less, but I see the youngest generation seems to be as materialistic as anyone, in the US and everywhere else. I'm an older millennial, and I hope my generation makes better decisions/ policies when they get in power than the boomers. The boomers were hippies who all turned to the biggest imperialist consumers in history.[always think of that line 'saw a deadhead sticker on a Cadillac '] Just a thought as I see people complain about the increasing difficulty maintaining the 'American Dream' even though the assumption of what we…


New Employees making more than you!

I work in the food service industry. I'm a 37yr F with 15 yrs experience I have been with the company of noodles for over a yr. Found out a few weeks ago these 18/19 yr old kids coming in with no experience is making $3+ more than I am and doing less work! I get that some places are offering more now I live in Ohio so the min wage is still low as shit I thought I was making decent money untill I wasn't. It pisses me off that these kids are being offered more and refusing raises. Has anyone else experienced this?


Should I Attempt To Start A Union?

My company recently (within the last year) hired an investment company and got a new CEO. They made promises that nothing would change. Since then, they've laid off ~20 workers and have decided that we are not making enough income to hire more employees, with the promise of tripling our business within 5 years. This has caused us to take on more work, including mandatory OT (alternating Saturday shifts). I'm mostly worried about being understaffed and taking on extra work for the same amount of pay, constantly wondering if I'll lose my job if they decide to do more layoffs. This used to be a pretty good place to work until recent. Could a union force management to have X amount of staff? A union COULD benefit negotiating a 40hr week which would force them to hire more people to fulfill those Saturday shifts. There's also the benefit of negotiating…


Im pissed

I dont know where else to post this, so im sorry if this the wrong sub!! Anyways I Went to arbys after work to get a sandwich then this bitch worker told her coworker “you stink, you need to shower” and the third coworker started laughing LOUD, the little kid gave me my sandwich i grabbed it and told him to not let her give you shit like that, but the inside of me wanted to throw my roast beef sandwich right at her face, he just looked at me without saying anything with a defeated look!! My point is there is so many wrong things that girl did, lets assume he does stink, cant you grab him to the break room or anywhere quiet and let him know!! To me that bullying. Us, as a working class, we need to lift each other up, not tear each other down!…


Alfred we need to talk


Any takers for this job?


Boss Says Anti-Gay Rhetoric All Day

My new boss is a big, blithering, marble-mouthed, dipshit. He spends most of his day talking about how much better everything was in the 70s and 80s. How much he hates gay pride month and for some reason has an issue with gays or something. It is such a strange work environment. He also told me the other day how I remind him of a kid he used to beat up. I don't know if he thinks he's intimidating but he's not, he just sounds like a slush-mouthed idiot. What the hell should I do? I have thought about recording him and seeing what higher ups say. I just find it hard to be around. Otherwise I enjoy the job. Good hours, best salary I ever had. But this shit is weighing me down. What the hell do I do?


Today’s spit take


Crying over having to pay staff a livable wage. Sky is Australia’s right wing news source.