sometimes I forget what the group is about but I was just reminded. is that ppl just want to not work or stop working for shitty ppl/companies? I mean no matter what you do, you'll still need to work . whether its a job to buy food or grow your own under your own labor or working your mouth
what is an appropriate amount information to give for your professional references? Just applied for a job that wanted amongst other things the personal address of the reference and I feel like there name, their job role when I worked with them and phone number should be enough.
can someone give me some advice?
I (24f) work at retail and recently had covid. Amongst the few days, the manager demanded i go to a doctor's office or else she'd “write me up for a memo” (this was before I had a positive test, she said that “all jobs demand you get a doctor's note after 1 day”, but I read the law and it stipulates that a job may only ask for one if it exceeds 2 days, which i had not at that point, the law also states I can't be punished in work for my time sick). Aside from almost making me work with covid (because she said the note could only excuse me for a day), I received messages from people who don't even work with me anymore asking how I was doing with covid (they knew because some of the managers had told them, not because I shared this with…
Seventh heaven library is a free resource operated by a dedicated crew who educate people on alternative working ways of earning a real income and breaking the cycle of the rat race There's no cost and membership is free, tip your tutor if you make money but it isn't a required thing 🙂 Look up @SeventhHeavenLibrary on Telegram for unfettered access
Because you pledge your soul and body to the bank overlords to work until you die.
Work hard people!
Me (20f) and my co workers used to get a long very well. In fact since there was nobody except 4 people running this whole store, we would often confide in each other about our lives during these 11 hour shifts. However, one of my co workers (40f) has always had anger issues. It started when me and my friend worked an entire two weeks straight open to close and covered almost a weeks worth of shifts for her. She’s the assistant manager, however she doesn’t do any paperwork, refuses to, and she is extremely rude to customers. She makes way more than anyone else there (even the manager). After covering so many shifts for her me and my friend were pissed off as to why she was calling out again. We needed this one day off, in fact had been planning it for months. She called out at 2am…