As a PT employee I don't get any of the FT benefits and was never once asked if I'd be willing to work those kind of hours. I was also never asked if I'd be I terested in moving to FT either. Is this a breach of contract of some sort? I feel really taken advantage of considering their wages are despicable as well and now this. Any advice would be much appreciated!
i haven't had any other issues with missing work before today. she would literally have no one but her and a couple of employees (who probably have covid!) running the whole shop than just, like, chill out and let me leave early one day. BuT nObOdY wAnTs To WoRk AnYmOrE! edit: idk why i'm keeping the name anonymous: it was jimmy john's
The hero we all need
I have a theory about why I didn’t get this job, and I wanna see if I’m just angry, or if it really could be true. Going to try to keep it vague, let me know what you think. Quick backstory, I work in a place that has overhauled all our processes in the last 3 or so years, so me and 1 other person are really the only people who know the new processes, my boss doesn’t. I’m coming up on 3 years at this position, and decide I want to apply for a new job. Same field, same company, even same job title, but supporting a different group, and the key, it’s 100% work from home, while my current job is on site. I think I have a pretty good shot, since we do basically the same thing, I’d just have to learn some new details and regulations.…
Boycotting BUDS all location
Who are the entitled ones?
I'm self-employed and doing time & materials trade work. Would you believe I've never had a single issue with a person under 40 paying their bill? They get it. They want my services, so they pay for the service. Over 40, especially 50 plus? It's like pulling teeth to get paid half the time. Are you sure you spent 5 hours here? Yes, I have a GPS logger than timestamps everything. I don't think I should have to pay this mark-up! You didn't have a problem with that mark-up when we signed the contract. What changed? To have the NERVE to call our generation entitled?! Check your privilege, boomers.
I know we hear about Amazon a lot on here. But every time I see something new, I have to ask myself… At what point will Amazon be held legally responsible? It seems like every month almost I hear something new, and documentable, about how Amazon has broken at least one federal labor law. I mean, just look at a few months back when they got hit by that tornado… That entire situation violated several. But nothing is being done? Maybe they wouldn't have to form unions if the government did its job.
I work in the cannabis industry at a very successful business yet all my coworkers and I still need to work all morning and night juggling 2-3 different jobs just to survive. It makes me sad seeing them come in late straight from their other jobs, not even having any time to themselves in between. I fell behind ONE month of rent and am now busting my ass this way just in an attempt to catch up, and it’s still not even enough. I got such severe sunburn from working this job yesterday, my coworkers at my other job thought I was having an allergic reaction. I found a third job today only to leave early on my first day because I wouldn’t even have enough time to feed and walk my dog before catching the bus to my other shift. I’ve only been doing this for about 3 weeks…
Had a job interview just now
Just got off Skype for a job interview, it was going really well I could tell they really liked me and I could tell they like the answers and ideas I was giving them(I’m a chef). Things are getting serious and I’m excited about the job. I think this place has real potential I think it could be the kind of place I want to work. Then we get to the discussion about their current staff, they told me they’re having trouble getting employees. Now this particular job is in BFE so that’s part of their problem. They don’t have a large pool to pull from. But when I asked him what they’re paying they come back with the obvious answer. Non-livable wages. When I tell them my current job has no trouble staffing they seem shocked. But then I told them the truth about my current job. It pays…