Netflix tells employees to quit
TLDR; Should I tell my new job I'm having a breakdown and need to telework while I get it together, or come up with a better excuse? Hi everyone, I'm looking for some advice. Started a new job a few months back. Had to move away from my support network to start the job after waiting several months for a start date that was delayed multiple times. When I started the job, the telework policy they had hired me on had changed and as a new employee I won't have telework abilities until 6 months in. Office culture is non-existent and my coworkers all work from home most days of the week, but I'm chained to my desk. There is nowhere private for me to take phone calls, either. I also failed to realize until I started the job that I get zero dedicated sick leave. (I should have asked…
The top results for the PRO Act are mostly ads, and at least 2 of those ads are against the legislation. They're trying to argue it from a “States' Rights” angle. Where have I heard that before? They're pumping a lot of money into this to try to kill it, so it's definitely something we should be speaking up about.
Precautionary Tale
[ ] Few years ago I was interviewing for a position at a company that had an aging owner. A recruiter set me up. The owner had children that were unable to run the company and he wanted someone knowledgeable in the industry (sales, design, manufacture, and install) to run multiple factories and offices until one of his two children matured enough to tolerate their siblings and care for the business (I mentor) In addition, the hiring decision was to be made by the owner, a consultant (banking friend/associate of the owner), and CFO. The CFO took care of the administration as the owners health and memory slipped. The compensation was advertised at 250k plus bonuses, perks. [ ] I expected a through interview process and after three formal interviews, two lunches, and four dinners the consultant said “you are the guy”. The owner said “I like you, you are…
My most recent employer fucked me over by firing me over a technicality, despite knowing I am going to be getting surgery in July and will need at least 6-8 weeks of medical leave. I am applying to jobs and I've gotten a couple interviews, and they are asking if I have anything coming up that would interrupt my employment. The most recent one I had yesterday I said I didn't. My concern is just being employed for just under two months and then being told not to come back after my surgery. They can't legally do that, right? Unless it has something to do with the probation period? Thanks for the help.
I can't complain too much since he got all of us long overdue raises and is a good guy but he's a bit…narcissistic? As in he knows best because he has way more experience in the field. Which is all well and good except he thinks he knows best when sometimes his plans make no sense. I work as a maintenance worker at a golf course and then way we mowed teeboxes before he came along was sent out two people to pick up all the tees and move them off the teeboxes and as soon as first light happened two people went out, one to mow and the other to put tees back, and all 70+ teeboxes (yes there are really that many here) would be done in roughly two hours. Well he changed it. Two people on mowers are sent out and they pick up the tees, mow…
my coworker is a pedophile
my coworker said some extremely pedophilic shit i can go into detail if it’s important, but basically i’m wondering if this shit is a fireable offense bc i and a few of my other coworkers are extremely uncomfortable w him
Been clean 2 years but not showing my average but respectable gear. That's worth 35 an hour at least.