
A list of easy things you can do to support Abortion Rights that take 1-10 minutes

credit to u/JennyLunetti for this list Here's some links that might help if anyone is looking for something more to do. Tell your representatives why you're protesting. Get active in the grassroots politics we need to get this fixed. There's a lot of work to do.  And all of our representatives need to hear from us about this. Even if its something small like : “Our fundamental rights as people should never be in danger due to a change in which party controls our state, or our federal government. We need constitutional amendments to both guaranteeing our rights to abortion care, same- sex marriage, contraception, and same sex intimacy.” Please don't panic buy emergency contraceptives right now. If you don't have people in need that are going to use it then it could easily result in people who need it not having access. Contact your representatives: this…


Is there a law that companies have to accept doctors notes?

I'm in Texas. Tested positive for covid this morning, they said if I'm symptom free, I can go back Thursday… my boss said “We'll see you Thursday” I was taken to the hospital about 6 hours after that and treated for sepsis/dehydration on top of covid, but they said I need to wait until July 1st. Can my employer say “No, you originally said Thursday, be here Thursday”? Or is there a law that a doctors note overrides a company?


This Salon receptionist job requires a headshot with your resume. Is this normal? Also the gap in pay is something I keep seeing.


What would it take for another revolution to really take hold in the U.S.? How close are we at this point in time?

I’m genuinely asking. Is there a metric that points to certain levels or markers in societies that have revolted against their governments? A “tipping point” of societal inequity that just becomes too omnipresent to ignore by “X” percentage of the population? It really feels like we’re nearing that point to me…All of the systemic problems that have become a part of the public consciousness that just feel like they’re being ignored or actively worsening; -The exploitative and uncaring nature of capitalism that leads to massive wealth inequality via wage stagnation and profit hoarding by corporations -The normalization of living paycheck to paycheck because of chronic debt from student loans/rent/car payments/etc. -Our collapsing and unsustainable healthcare infrastructure as brought into full view via the Covid pandemic -The rise of homelessness and mental health problems -The continued ravaging of our planet’s natural resources and acceleration of climate change -The continued treatment of…


Went to a jimmy jons during a pride event. Only 3 people were working, and they were STRUGGLING with a line so long it stretched halfway around the block. Meanwhile, the whole store was filled with obnoxious dystopian signage.


Imagine being this brainwashed


The factory isn’t going to run on Monday. Are you with us?

We promised we'd strike if Roe was struck down, FAFO style, and now it's no time for the “find out” part of the program. Promises kept. Eleven critical employees and I will not be going to work at the factory on Monday. Without us, the factory won't run, or will run so badly that it may as well not run at all. Orders will be delayed, deadlines will pass, critical systems will not function, and the end of month quota may be missed outright as well. The cost to the company will be significant, and they will be extremely unhappy with us. So be it; the rights of my fellow Americans is more important than the bonuses and overtime we'll lose, and the discipline we'll no doubt receive individually. Some of us, myself included, may be terminated outright. I'll say it again, so be it- if there was ever a…


If you don’t show up to work on Monday, you’re only hurting your employer lol what message are you trying to send? If you show right back up Tuesday then what was the point?

Those that say “quit!” Ok, then what? How will you pay for everything? The hard reality is that that’s just how it is What are you going to do otherwise?


an unpleasant couple of days

I'm writing this to see if I'm in the wrong and how I could've done better So a few days ago I started feeling sick, took some medicine and waited to see if i felt better, but nearing the end of the day i wasn't feeling much better. I called my manager and told them i wouldn't be able to go to my shift the next day, they said I should've notified it earlier but thanks for the heads up anyway (i didn't call earlier because i didn't want to call off because of a “false alarm” so i decided to wait it out). Next day rolls along, honestly I don't feel horrible by this point but I'm sure I'm sick and do an at home covid test, but it came out negative. Not much later, I get a call from another supervisor asking if I'd be able to make…


The system is setup to work us to death

Guys this is all fucked. Spending time on here and collapse has shown me just how fucked up everything is. Were not PEOPLE to the elites. To them we are numbers, casualties, profits, expenses, prisoners, etc etc. All the rich dont care if we live or die, Bezos, Musk and all of them know just how fucked up the conditions are in their workplaces. Everything from pissing in bottles without breaks to mining in dangerous conditions for electric battery parts. They simply dont give a fuck. The politicians same thing, governments have never worked for the people and they just go along with the elites. This has been the case since ancient Roman times and before, they keep us distracted with bread and circusses. That sounds like a lot of bs right, lets dive into some actual stats and data. ​ -Worlds billionares have more wealth than 4.6 BILLION people.…