
my old boss to a tee.


Nice to see a major local news outlet (WCCO in MN) mention this in their story.


“I don’t have any apartheid mine money, so what do I know?”


Also, gonna need you to come in on Saturday


Can my employer force me to make a Facebook account and provide Facebook with personal information?

Long story short I'm going to be managing our companies Facebook page, which ordinarily wouldn't require me to make a Facebook account. BUT because we spend so much money on advertisements through Facebook they require me to “verify my identity” and provide sensitive documentation such as a drivers license picture or Birth certificate to prove I am who I say I am. I quit using Facebook about a decade ago, I do not want Facebook to have this information on me and I have no wish to create an account that has my personal information supplied. I'm begrudgingly making an account just to be able to reply to messages on our account but I have to verify my identity to reply to comments on our page. I am not okay with this, I feel it's a gigantic overstep of my personal identity and life outside of work to create an…


Getting tired of asking nicely for a raise

It's become clear to me and (I think) to my co-workers that asking nicely for a raise in our hazardous job isn't working and that we need to take the damn raise for ourselves. I want to start organizing a union and I don't know how. ​ Anybody got some tips about who I'd go to for help or how to get started?


Company sent out a reminder that we are not to be away from our computers for longer than 4 minutes. 8 hour shifts too


My former boss has accused me and my friends of drunk driving ON AN AIRPORT.

First, a little context. I am a pilot who is based out of Traverse City, Michigan(KTVC). In addition to general aviation traffic, this airport sees a lot of commercial aircraft and as such the security of the airport is tight. Everyone operating on the field is required to have a badge issued by the TSA. Without one, you don't get on the field. Period. Flash back two days ago, me and my friends are hanging out at our hangar where we all share an aircraft, having a good time watching planes take off and land, and just shooting the shit. Most of these people either actively work for the fuel vendor and aircraft service company on the field, Avflight, or they're former employees. As a bunch of young aviation students, getting your foot in the door and making connections is half the battle and an FBO job is usually the…


I’m sick and can’t afford a doctor’s note

Hi, I don't know of this is the right subreddit. I'm feeling pretty sick, I think a case of food poisoning caused it. I had to call out the day prior but I'm still feeling awful today. I was recently hired on too as a manager trainee so I'm scared they're going to fire me. I tried calling out for today too, but they require a doctor's note of I do, but I have boi eat to afford even seeing a doctor. We're tight on gas and I haven't had much of a job for a bit hurting us financially that my bank account is a little overdrawn. What do I do?? I have no insurance, I can't afford the visit or note, but I don't want to be denied the ability to work or even keep my job, I didn't expect to get sick like this. It's only my…


The EcoAction Committee of the Green Party held a virtual forum on Earth Day to May Day. The forum outlined the key themes for Earth Day to May Day and gave suggestions about how to organize and support such efforts in your community.