
Crosspost from /worldnews


My boss wrote me up today

So my job is to move boxes around and inspect to ensure that there is no dents or any damage. My friend hurt his back lifting boxes and when I told my boss that he'd hurt his back and I'd like to bring him to he hospital. My boss then said that I shouldn't worry about him and that he'll be fine. I decided to just go and bring my friend to the hospital anyway. Coming in today, HR called me and said that I'm given a warning for refusing to do my job.


I resigned but was it the correct way to do so?

To give you some context, I resigned from my previous company where I used work as a Data scientist (But mostly I used solve software engineer tasks). So, my manager promised me that I'll get a hike but he never really gave me that and when I asked he told me no one gets hike before completing one year (but understand I was promised that I'll defined get after 6 months). As a data scientist I thought I'll be working on Machine learning pipelines but it rarely happened, the technology that they are using are never used in the Data science domain. Procedural programming is not AI! I got another job within 20 days (with 100% hike) and I directly mailed the manager while putting my project managers on CC. They got the mail and they told me I should have talked with my project managers first before quitting and…


skills of r/antiwork

I see a lot of people online abusing this sub for being full of “unskilled idiots” who “can only work sales and warehouse jobs” – while that's obviously bs, I'm wondering what the skillset here actually is. Are there any tradies (electricians, builders, landscapers etc) here? Are there any professionals (eg lawyers, doctors, engineers) here? Artsy types? Graphics designers? And people stuck in sales crap, did you do a degree which ended up being useless (e.g history of film, or other regularly-shat-on degrees usually dismissed as a waste of money?)


What is Your Life? | Work, Buy, Consume, Reproduce, Die.


Woke up with COVID symptoms today, this was my boss’s response to my concerns with COVID positive coworker being in office on Monday.


My employer reported record profits last quarter, but is hiking up our insurance costs and cutting our benefits

Title says it all. My company sent out a memo bragging about their quarterly earnings and thanking us for our hard work. Not too long after, we got another memo saying that they will be passing on the increased costs of insurance to us, and that our benefits are markedly worse (higher deductible, higher copay). This will result in an extra $30 being taken out of each paycheck, or $780 per year. For worse benefits! What the fuck? All the while they’re bragging about how rich the shareholders are getting.


(I was told this might fit here) Manager told me i was fired as a joke so I quit


Hopefully this will have a flow on effect.


Try me again in May 2024