Life doesn’t have to suck
I want work
I am rebel and lost cause
They deem anything that's not critical of pay as “being negative” and slack is only for being positive. Management insists that complaints about money go directly to email. Would talking about raising compensation for fuel be considered concerted activity?
That's all there is too it. She's had the highest feedback ratings for 3 years in a row as well. Maddening.
As per title, was going to go out for lunch on Sunday which is father's day here in the UK. Restaurant just called to cancel my booking as they don't have enough staff. It's a big chain. Belongs here as the low service wages and high inflation mean these establishments need to start paying a living wageor close for good. Off to fine somewhere with staff, wish me luck!
I’m with you, my friends
I know things are tough, but I cannot comprehend how in the United States of America you guys have it. I mean, really. I'm from across the pond, and I can't believe how out of touch your managers are. In this country of mine, there's no persecution for being part of an union, no crap being taken when on a sick leave, no issues with holidays, time off for wedding (it's in the law, dammit!), health care, mostly free education until getting to college (one day that will also be free, I bet) I work in IT, and I'm not that overly intelligent, just finishing my graduation, and I have a comfortable life. Sure I don't make 3000 a month (about half of it, really) and it's fairly easy to find jobs here. The lower cost of living makes up for it, if you get out of the biggest cities,…