
How to get over shame of asking off/sick?

I can’t say no to extra hours or like now, to sick days. I feel ashamed. First parents grilled it in us sick days for school means were faking or losers (parents are toxic, I know, no contact anymore). And of course harsh bosses hate people calling off because it’s ruins their perfect schedule plans and now my work is so low staffed management is doing housekeeping and front desk. But it’s not my fault and it’s not my problem. I need the sick days I just had spinal surgery and having a flareup. I need to get over this mental and self hate for taking off entrained in me. How? Suggestions?


Dollar Tree manager posted sign against hiring Generation Z workers – CBS News


I hate capitalism – Nothing else I can say


Had a friend tell me last night that trying to negotiate pay is rude and disrespectful

And I'm just…confused and sad for her? I was explaining how one of my friends is going through a divorce and is looking for a higher paying job. One place asked for her salary range and she said something like $17-$20. After two interviews they offered her $19. She replied and said she appreciated the offer, would love to work for them, and asked if they had capacity for $20 an hour. They replied by dropping their offer to $18.50. The girl I was talking to last night said she agreed with the employer, and that my friend is rude and disrespectful. Throughout the conversation she told me that you shouldn't ask for more money, she gave a range and they offered her something in that range so she should have just taken it, this shows that no one wants to work anymore etc. The one that shocked me most…


Hired Me But Won’t Give me a Starting Date. It’s so Frigging Unprofessional

I have been unemployed since the 4th and was really excited to find this job 10 minutes from my house in a field I currently work in. I'm low on cash so the job is coming right on time…or so I thought. I had a great interview and hired on the spot last week. Everything is going great! I was told that I had to get a drug test and finger printing which is standard for my line of work. I get all of that done, pay for my finger printing with my own money (Which I really couldn't afford but managed it) get all the proof sent over and I hear great! Thursday rolls around and I text the hiring manager, “Hi, is my start date Monday?” I get a text right away that says, “Oh, I'll call you back later today and you'll get an email from the…


“Inflation” has gotten so outta control we should all just be scammers. I give up


Bus system of Las Vegas (RTCSNV) ran empty buses every 30 mins for NFL draft while leaving transit riders stranded because they can’t staff their own routes (let alone extra “GameDay bus” routes) due to low pay, bad benefits.


Schedule change last minute

I’m scheduled to work at 8am today and at 7:25am they called me and said that there aren’t enough spots on the floor for me (I’m a server) and to come in at 1 and work til 10pm. Its 35 minutes before my shift started, I was about to walk out the door too. If I did that to them and called them 35 minutes before my shift and said that I’m not coming in but I can work later, they would write me up as a no call no show since it’s such short notice. But they can do it to me? And I actually had to change my schedule to the mornings because I’m being harassed by one of my coworkers and asking me to work at 1 is when he works.


Applied and waiting to hear from their HR department


Shorts at work

I love wearing shorts in the summer. I started working at a small owner operated engineering firm and they let me wear what I want. They treat us well. When I started work, I asked the boss if he cared about shorts, to which he replied, “Huh? Why would I ever care?” I was getting ready for work in the morning and my dad asked if I was wearing short pants to work. I asked why it matters since I work at a desk. He asked incredulously what the dress policy was, to which I replied, “I just need to make the company money, why is it appropriate to play dress up with a grown man?