I'm a hostess at a chain restaurant and last night I was clocking out and when I checked out to see if I made tips I saw I only made $2 (not a shocker) I went to my boss so he could tip out my $2. He told me since I messed up on an order he'll just call it even and take the $2. Isn't that illegal??? I know it's only $2 and I shouldn't care but it's the principal of the matter you can play me at work but if you play with my money you've crossed a line. Any advice what I could do??
IDK if this type of post is allowed so please downvote it off, if not. Idk where else to vent. I received a call at work from a very boisterous man who needed assistance. Did he allow me to assist? No, not without telling me he is knowledgeable and only wanted me to confirm he knew, what he knew. He asked a question. I answer all while he “YAP, YAP, knew that, KNEWWW that” He said my name after every sentence. Me: “Ok, is there anything else I can help with?” He says, “I need my 2 staff to listen in so I don't mess up.” This is where it gets worse. Staff #1 comes in, he and asks me to repeat “the answer,” I'm on speaker now. I answer. He loudly asks #1, who I assume is literally next to him “YOU GOT THAT, DOES THAT MAKE SENSE? Hahahah,…
I (24) just had a horrid weekend that ended in me breaking down in ugly sobs in my friend's arm after breaking up with my girlfriend and realising I was facing the very real prospect of going homeless in the coming months. I live about an hour's drive from work so usually I leave with time to spare and end up arriving about 15 minutes early, which is never acknowledged. I don't have a lot of choice because if I leave 10 minutes later I'll arrive 15 minutes late. This doesn't bother me because I typically enjoy the job. Since last night went so poorly, I wasn't able to sleep until much later than normal. Add on severe clinical depression and I had a very hard time dragging myself out the door this morning but still managed to arrive only 5 minutes late. It's also worth noting I work a…