
Not allowed to be tired? Am I being dramatic?

Today I was scheduled a lot earlier than normal, which is fine but overall I was a bit tired and I guess it showed. This is after several weeks of good work, such as surpassing my sales goal for the day a few times. Counting today, I’ve only had two “bad” days at work after being at this place for half a year. The last time I had an off day my manager sat me down for a whole dramatic meeting about how I let my entire team down and implied she’d reduce my hours if something like that happened again. Same thing happened today. My first few hours on shift were apparently sooooo bad that everyone felt disappointed by me, it doesn’t matter how hard I worked previous shifts, my hours are once again threatened. Then she says “how can I help this not happen again” like I specifically…


The cost of student loan forgiveness.


Using my Bonus to Pay for Healthcare (USA)

I work in higher Ed and started my current position 3 years ago at 42,000 for an 11 month contract. I’ve received one 2% raise since I started, and now I have to earn 4/5 stars on my next performance review (that’s an above average rating) to get another 2% raise for September. My supervisor appreciates me (she has no control over my pay, it’s American higher Ed, where we are all underpaid for our masters and doctorate degrees, ETA except for upper admins making 6 figures) and nominated me for an award for outstanding performance, which I won. It came with a $750 bonus. (Yay me! It’s better than nothing but a poor excuse for fair compensation). Well, I just found out I need biopsies every 6 months bc I am at higher risk for breast cancer, and insurance will cover all but $457 of it every 6 months.…


3M Simultaneously hiring and laying people off?

I receive full color ads all the time, in the mail, from a 3M facility two towns over begging people to come and work for them at (somewhat) competitive wages. Yet a friend whose son works for them at that facility, tells me that they are continually laying off quality employees. What is going on?


So stressed out… probably going to quit in the next 48hrs

So I can’t give specifics to the type of work due to how niche it is. But I (25f) lucked into what I thought was a dream job. Hard work, weird hours but more money than I’ve ever made in my life. It started off amazing. My first time in management, and taking on as much as I could to prove myself. But today broke me. In this place, there is 0 communication. As I was in my car leaving for the night because I have to be back early tomorrow, the manager that was supposed to close texted me that he would not be closing. Which is annoying in itself, but could have been manageable if I had known even just a few hours earlier. So now I have to go back and close, then be back within 5 hours to open, THEN go back and close tomorrow night…


Yeah they can fuck right off with that.


I started commenting about a job posting by this business, it got pretty snarky. Then Dr R stepped in… they posted this today and let me tell you it’s going super well for them. I’ll post links in the comments if y’all are interested


A theory on the competitive advantage

I have a theory. Companies are always looking for a competitive edge to make themselves stand out from identical services. Fast food vs fast food, hotel vs hotel. Having employees walk out when conditions are shit inconveniences everyone in the chain, customers first and foremost. If this trend continues, companies will get a reputation of being unreliable. Case in point, the most recent incident of a Hilton hotel walkout. While I don't know the details, I now know that there is a chance if I book a Hilton hotel, I'm gonna be fucked in the lobby for hours. So I'll book my hotel elsewhere. If I was running a hotel, I would consider treating my employees better. Let's be honest; not because they're not humane and care about us, but because they can now gain the reputation of being a reliable, friendly business that you won't have to talk to…


anyone interested in a legitimate solution to get better and more livable wages?

You will only take this as seriously as you truly are about your own income, consider it as we proceed We can commence the Low Income Workers Union right now. I'll present the easy step by step process of exactly how, first a date to strike has to be decided now and we cannot waste time fussing over it so exactly 1 year from today March 25th 2023 will be the date to go on strike. The beauty of the internet is that you dont have to worry whether or not you risk you being the only one or few who actually will strike, if the idea gets popular enough the Internet as a whole will become aware of it and 1 years is more than enough time to spread it around. This also is a test of whether you actually want to make more money. If you cannot be…


People who always talk about how much money they make should just shut up nobody cares

My best friend is a great guy and a hard worker. However, when we talk about work, he always boasts about how much money he’s making working at a country club and a busy restaurant. He always says “not to brag” before claiming he makes $4k every two weeks and recently has been making $10k every month. I don’t believe it but I hate to always play along with it. I think he feels left out because we all went to school but he’s not working in what he studied and the rest of us are.