
My Family’s business isn’t moral.

I need advice. My family has a construction business and takes in a large amount. I have recently started and have responsibilities that are tough but am not doing near the physical labor of the out of office workers. I overheard one of these workers speaking about wages( my Spanish is pretty middle of the boat). I walked up to him and asked what he was talking about and his eyes got watery and he acted like he didn’t understand even though his English is great. I think he didn’t want to discuss what he was talking about with me being the boss’s son. I want to tell him to get the other guys and ask for more money from my family but almost feel like I’m betraying my family. I know they should be paying more even if they already give great benefits and pay slightly above market price…


Absolutely Not! 84 years at work?!


My (Former) Boss Told Me to Rinse Human Blood off of Meat Meant to be Served to Customers

I won't say the name of the restaurant, but it's a deli with a name that is difficult to pronounce, tied to a very popular cinnamon roll company in the United States. My coworker sliced his hand on the meat slicer, spraying blood everywhere. There was a sign above the meat slicer that said “If you cut yourself on the meat slicer, while not wearing a protective glove, you will be fired immediately”. They didn't provide a protective glove, and nobody was willing to buy one because we were making $8 an hour (the owner was very proud of us because minimum wage was $7.25). My manager wanted to protect his job, so he sent the guy to the hospital, and told me to wash the blood off of the meat and finish slicing it. I refused. I had to convince her to stage a pretend drop of the meat…


Draft of my resignation letter…


I want to thank you all for opening my eyes.

I used to think like some of those hardcore conservatives/boomers (whatever name suits them best) and believed that if I worked hard enough and put in the extra time, I'd be successful regardless of what everyone may say. I was even against what those hateful old boomers call “free handouts.” I was born and rasied to think that you need to slave away and enjoy life later when you retire, when your old and feeble. Little did I know that this country is quickly on its way to self-destruction and I can see that the problems keep stacking up, they arent going away anytime soon. I now know that my way of thinking was really dumb and am so glad that I was more open-minded before I grew old and stayed in my ways. I didnt really open my eyes until I came across this sub reddit and the few…


Secessio Plebis was a form of revolt first introduced in ancient Rome. When the ruling class of Rome would become too corrupt or unjust to the commoners, the commoners would band together, evacuate the entire city and leave the elites to fend for themselves.


ScotRail was recently taken over by the Scottish Government. Considering they are already blaming everything on employees for not working outside of contractual hours (how dare they), it’s safe to say things are not going well…


A Japanese ceo with honest lifestyle. If only American ceos lived like this


Dota 2 esports pro fired because mom is dying of cancer


The emancipated abolitionist, Frederick Douglass said we must also abolish wage slavery