
I just want to win the lottery

I hate society and how we all have to work to live to die , I just want to win the lotto and never have to worry about money and the fuckeduppedness of humanity. Crazy how you have to have money in order to not give a single fuck about money. Pray that I win lol but fr.


“Chimpanzee Capitalism” – Existential Comics is on point today.


Boss wants me to quit with no severance pay

Hi, I've always been a quiet lurker here but this community made me realize after working 50h+ week that i wasn't paid properly and just busting my health at my job. Ultimately the multiple warnings of my doctor came true and im now stuck with crippling cervical pain and I had to take a sick leave for it. Ofc per the legal law of my country (eu) a good chunk of my pay is gonna be halved and on top of that my boss is planning to fire me but since he hates paying me or my coworker (we are understaffed btw we deal with around 1000 customer everyday and we are only 4 people rotating), he is trying to pressure me into quitting by myself so he doesn't have to pay me anything. I have to work with sharp pain going through my entire body everyday for hours on…


With the very real fact that the United States creates poor conditions for workers in comparison to many other OECD countries and ties an individual’s healthcare to their job status, is anyone actively planning on eventually leaving the US for good in the next decade?

Migration seems like the logical next step. I am working toward moving somewhere like Portugal by 2032, where wages can actually pay for living costs and healthcare is taxpayer-funded. I'll gladly pay higher taxes if it means the government provides services and that allow people to survive. I already lose nearly 30% of my paycheck to taxes and get nothing but crumbling infrastructure, dangerous roads, and zero social safety nets in return. Why stay when the system has become rigged against the working class, instead favoring corporations, executives and political elites in a manner unseen since the 1920s? We pay more for healthcare and education and receive worse outcomes than most OECD countries. Why stay when boomers tell us to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps because they were able to mow lawns and pay for both college and a living space back in the day? Our wages in comparison…


Casual Sexual Harassment during my Professional Evaluation

I recently had my professional evaluation for the year. For the sake of anonymity I will refer to my secondary superior as “S” and my direct superior (my actual boss) as “P”. Its been a rough year, and I have done hard but rewarding work. Both S and P have commended me for my resilience throughout the year and frequently tell me I changed the atmosphere for within my position for the better. That was not the focus of my interview, however. P and S met beforehand and my evaluation was with P alone. It came down to the category “professional dress”. Its important to mention that all our contract/handbook says is clean, professional, and no jeans- nothing beyond that. P says “I feel that your dress is appropriate and professional, however S wonders whether or not you wear a bra some days”. I was dumbfounded. All i could muster…


Don’t let people off if they steal food in desperation, minister tells police | Police


I’m gonna walk out on my job the second I get promoted.

Fuck my dinkly spinkly dumbass job. I have to play the maid of the restaurant, scrubbing floors with toothbrushes, not having access to water on the job, a regional manager that is LEGALLY allowed to take your speakers/headphones. Fuck this job, I want to tend to a farm and get the fruit of MY labour. I made $5000 worth of orders in 2 days and my restaurant is STILL paying me $9 an hour. Fuck Pizza Hut, fuck corporate Amerikkka, fuck this country that enslaves children for profit. Working in fast food has radicalized me.


Raising Canes is a vile organization.

My neighbors daughter got her first job at Raising Canes a few months ago. She has been working 18 hour days, open to close, back to back on the weekenda. 36 hours on the clock in 2 days…… She needed the weekend off for a Band Tournament… They told her she needed to find someone to cover her shift… Her 36 hours in a 48 hour shift… Suspiciously, everyone declined… They fired her…. FUCK it. Never eating at that Canes again.


The planet going through a drought for profits. Either capitalism d*es or the Human race does. It’s that simple


Owner denied coworkers vacation time, we all walked out.

So I worked at a small healthcare staffing company. I would’ve been there for 2 years in August. Two of my good friends started in March/April as my previous coworker quit and I referred my friends since I didn’t want to sit in the small office with another stranger or two again. We will call one E and the other M. They both got the jobs and everything was awesome, I enjoyed going to work and it didn’t feel like it was such a huge bother in my life anymore. I’m getting married this year and so are two of my best friends, so me and E have a few dates we need off at the same time for more bachelorette and wedding duties. M is a single mom of two so she had dates in the future for appointments and school stuff with them she’d need to have off.…