
This is America today…


Not sure if this belongs here, but being sexually harassed by your CEO is not okay


Credit scores are just a legal way for landlords to discriminate against people who still could still technically qualify.


Was hired on the spot at an interview a week ago and have still not heard back about a start date.

Last Thursday I went to interview for a place here in Los Angeles and was told by their hiring manager that not only would I be hired but I was also being assigned to a higher position due to my resume and experience. I was elated. The manager showed me around and introduced me to a few people and then said “Looking forward to working with you. You will receive an email this weekend about orientation”. Come Monday, no email. So I respond to a previous email just asking if any orientation dates were selected. No response. Still here on Thursday, no response. I send a second email this morning again asking about orientation dates and letting them know I’m available to start asap. Crickets. Now at this point I feel like I’m going to have to start my job hunt again, and reach out to the interviews I declined…


Just got a random request from a complete stranger. Sucks so many of us feel so desperate.


“Minimum Wage Workers Surviving On Food Stamps As Inflation Rises.” My blood boiled reading this. This is insanity.


We can reduce inflation by taxing billionaires and then burning the money

Inflation is caused by to much money supply which in turn is taxes being too low relative to the amount of money created by the government. By burning money we reduce money supply. I mean 'burning' figuratively. What we really need to do is tax there rich, I suggested an inheritance tax earlier but that was unpopular. This is modern monetary theory. Government creates money and then increases taxes if inflation is too high. Rather than the other way around.


Return to Work Schemes to Manufacture a Community

I get information about my old workplace every once in a while. The (Millennial) CEO there is annoyed about WFH employees not returning. He likes to walk around the offices taking calls on his earbuds and watch the action. Of course, the only action is on the manufacturing floor now. It also doesn't help that a bunch of people got COVID in the office recently. Something else struck me about the desire to get employees back into the office. That company has been hemorrhaging staff, mostly in WFH positions. I'm kind of essential and have to be in the building most of the time anyway. What made me feel bad about leaving the old job is not seeing my work friends anymore. If I was WFH, I can see how replacing one group of Zoom boxes for another wouldn't have as much of an impact. Lots of comments here say…


International Day of Revolt?

What if everyone who was paid less than a living wage all organized, picked a date, and decided to call in sick or just no show to work on that day. I wonder what would happen. The simple yet enormous fact is that the system will not change unless we force it to.


how to bargain for higher starting pay?

I received a job offer 2 days ago for a weld tech position. I'm currently an automation tech( practically the same thing), and had an interview and checked the place out, they told me they'd let me know. Today they offered me about 1.40 more per hour than what I'm currently making, which isn't bad, bit curious of how to word it to attempt to earn more I'd be walking away from 5 years at my current employer, 3 weeks vacation (start with 2 at the new place), benefits are extremely similar. My big sell to go there is the opportunity to obtain a journeymans card. So, long story short, what's a great way to word an email to attempt to bargain for a higher starting pay?