
Just another exploiter in the neighborhood


Turned Down Doorman Job with 2 hour + drive commit for 22 per hour, aunt says “Oh, he just hasn’t caught the money bug yet.”

Just found that this interaction I just had definitely applied here. Capitalist culture conditions us into thinking that we should work ourselves to the bone for money regardless of how it effects us.


This is just cruel


Why is applying for jobs such a pain?

Same thing almost every time, upload your resume, click next and enter all the info again manually or fix the terrible job it did filling it in for you. Why can’t you just look at my fucking resume? So much wasted time formatting to just type the info into boxes. Lame as hell


My boss thinks they’re already over paying me, I’m just one accident away from being homeless

I live in a 3rd world country working as an offshore programmer for a 1st world country. A fast food worker in their country is getting way more than I am – and yeah I get it, different economies etc, but the deal is that even if they're paying me higher than others here, the thing is that the others here are who are earning minimum wage are in actual poverty. Minimum wage here is $190 a month. My wage is $900 a month. Now you'd expect that I'm way above the others and that's what my boss thinks – in reality, those with $190 a month are in actual poverty living in scrap homes or sharing a boarding room with a lot of people, and it's common that the meals they have are just rice and some food sauce. (DISCLAIMER: I AM SIMPLY DESCRIBING THEIR LIVING CONDITIONS, OUR COUNTRY…


My goal for my current job search


The Simpsons just explained our struggles in song.

The brilliant minds of The Simpsons have done it again. They just broke down every single thing we’ve been trying to explain to the still-brainwashed masses that continue to worship this planet-destroying economic system. Hopefully the people who needed to hear it actually saw it.


Antiwork dad joke…he got me


Why you NEED to pay attention to local government.

This was only recently made aware to me, but local government across the U.S. has a ton to do with what happens in your every day life. Often, what happens when your community gets random things it needs, like public parks or expansions or projects for already built parks, infrastructure for your roads among other things. Not only that, but often your local D.A. in smaller areas will go completely uncontested in elections. Regardless of where you are at, look into your local government. If we want to improve our lives now in this or that way, we need to actually work on running in local elections and changing it at the ground level. I would also recommend The G Word on Netflix, where all sources for anything I just said are completely cited, and it contains a lot of useful information on the functions of our government at all…


NJ Business owner of The Sand House makes fun of staff working in 90+ degree heat

It is the Sand House Kitchen in Ocean NJ btw. So while on Reddit, I found a local place that had employees show that their AC was broken, but still had to work the deli area. Sure sometimes things happen, I've had to work with no AC in the past and my current job is half outdoors. But I found a guy commenting and laughing at employees who make $12 an hour for complaining about their conditions. Two seconds of digging, and yes it's a local restaurant owner, Robert Idell! He also constantly posts to the subreddit SlaveLabor to get all of his work for his menus and website done by underpaying those in need. And you'll never guess, his restaurants cannot keep a head chef employed! I wonder why? here is the proof to show him laughing at suffering minimum wage workers Edit: I don't care what anyone does…