
American Tail indeed


Capitalism is ‘successful’


Quit after meeting where we were informed that they’re withholding ALL breaks

For context, my job was a doggy daycare attendant. Yesterday my job had a meeting and they told us they’re withholding our breaks because our job isn’t “laborious” or difficult. Also that it isn't against the law to do so (I live in missouri btw) I asked if I was getting a break after working 6 hours, they said no. I asked about meal breaks and they aren't providing them. I asked when I'm supposed to use the restroom because we aren't supposed to use it on the clock. So if we don't have breaks, how are we supposed to use the restroom? apparently we are supposed to go 6 – 9 hours without food or a bathroom break. I told my boss and manager about how my boss’ husband threatened to fire my coworker over sending me on a 15 minute break and bragged about already firing three people…


I had an interview with Dominos delivery back on Tuesday. And I’ve had NON-STOP texts from them from different numbers. 5 times saying I missed my interview, how my experience was, to go to orientation for a job I wasn’t even hired for. I’m talking like 10 numbers. I finally FLIPPED on someone.


So that’s what I’m doing wrong!


I give up talking to them


Talk Wages!


Less than 3 weeks after being fired for telling the truth, I got a new job, a better job.

A little under 3 weeks ago I got fired from my job for responding to a company wide email about returning to the office. I told my boss (and everyone) that it will lower productivity. Later that day I got fired, well my position had been eliminated. A week later my former boss tries to get me back, even offering a pay raise. I decline the offer. (By the way, never under any circumstances should you accept a counter offer from your employer. It’s a means to keep you around until they can replace you, and they will). I also declined an offer that was paying more but didn’t have a remote option. Anyways I filed for unemployment right after but I still haven’t heard back. But that doesn’t matter because I got a job! Today I got an email from one of the places I interviewed at. I got…


My FB rant of the day.


Heard there’s a position available for anyone interested. Must be blood type 0- though*. For non kidney related things*