Assuming the jobs are identical (and can be done with just a computer) except one is full in office and one fully remote/work from home. For the sake of argument let's say the commute would be a 20 minute drive.
Supply and Demand
I just find it baffling that the same people who defend the supply and demand model for Capitalism don't support the situation going on right now with employee shortages. Employees are a supply and right now they are in high demand, so why aren't they worth more now then before. Remember when the roles where reversed? These same people where the loudest ones screaming about overprivileged “underlings” wanting more. That they should be grateful for the terrible jobs that they can get. Now that businesses are desperate for workers they are not willing to pay fair market value for them. Instead they blame it on these potential employees not wanting to work instead of them understanding their worth in the job market.
The current administration keeps talking about how strong the economy is, how low unemployment is, how stable everything is. Then there’s talks about the economy about to collapse, the cost of everything is out of control….what the heck is happening????? So confused.
This Fits Well Here
Pretty straightforward. Im miserable at my job. I don't have another job lined up but I have enough money to survive for at least 3 months. I haven't been at the company long. What's the best way to go about quitting without a two week notice?
One day I went into an ice cream shop while exploring the town, and I loved it so much I decided this would be my next job. It was the most amazing ice cream I had ever tried. I was even more amazed at the actual interview what they said. Basically, you could take any day off. Even if you were feeling too depressed to come in, that was totally acceptable to them. And while you start at $8/hr that gradually goes up over time, and you can make over $100 in tips depending on the day. But, they're divided. This is what I was told. Now I see this was probably a ruse to keep more people. They seemed like extremely nice people I clicked with at a personal level. But, they gave me almost no hours. Working part time for maybe two days in a week, sometimes one.…
I don’t think I care anymore.
I’m kinda dead inside. I used to fear a job loss and try hard to please the boss. Now I’ve saved 1 year worth of bills in a savings account and I low-key have a ‘make my day’ attitude towards the possibility of getting fired. I try to say as little as possible to not give my toxic boss any ammunition. I don’t care. My job isn’t well paid and I have savings so I’ve gotten into a nothing to lose headspace. I want to go back to uni and do a second master’s degree to better myself. I’m planning a cunning escape. A gap year to study toward a new qualification. Leaving this place to burn in my wake. Recently I dealt with two people off sick and a third leaving early due to being part time, no extra pay. I don’t want the job. The only fear I…
The title sums it up basically, I need to know how to now decline the position that I was offered at the new company. I wouldn’t rather not just ghost them but if I don’t find a good excuse I’ll probably do that. Main differences from this current job and new job is. New job: -Located further than my current job -Will still be in the same line or work (construction management) but will be dealing mainly with civil projects. Rather than my current job or doing educational k-12th schools. -1 week vacation compared to 2weeks at my current job -1 end of the year bonus (current job does 2 bonus) Idk if I shouldn’t be a greedy asshole and use this counter offer and another means of leverage to get a better offer at the new company. Hell would be appreciated Thanks Location Texas.