
Question about WFH

As someone who has always had a physical work with your hands type of job, I never have to worry about losing my job to outsourcing. But I’ve always wondered, those of you who can wfh on your computer. Are you not worried about your job being outsourced to another country? I see a lot of gripe about having to return to the office. from the outside looking in, that seems to be saving your job. I truly mean no disrespect. Just completely clueless. If this is a stupid question, I humbly accept all ridicule.


How Do Construction Workers Push Their Bodies To Finish Olympic Stadiums On Time?


In Honor of Nurse’s Week: This is HR’s new incentive program to avoid on the job injuries for nursing staff


My Company is delaying the settlement amount

I recently resigned (my contract was due so i send them a notice that i wasn't going to continue after the contract period). They were supposed to pay my gratuity amount and salary for the time that i hadn't taken leave for holidays. Its more than 10days now and I have to leave this country since my visa is also cancelled. When I sent them a warning that i need a clarity regarding the date and that i haven't complained about this to the ministry. My boss was so pissed off that he says i am not loyal and that i don't trust the company blah blah.. He tried to make me look bad so that i will listen to whatever they say. Legally I have done nothing wrong. I even served extra 30days(total 60days) notice period and they are supposed to clear everything during the last day or atleast…


Unfair or just entitled?- Advice needed!

I (F 20) started a new job last month (retail) and I don’t know if I’m being entitled bc of how well I was treated at my last job (fast food) and this is just how life is, or if my employer is being unfair. Initially I’d agreed to work 10-20 hours a week. low, but I am a full time student living with her parents, so I’m just working so I can help out around the house and pay for my schoolbooks 🙂 Anyway, entering the job I signed my contract and specified within it that I wanted to work 10-20 hours a week (they literally asked what our IDEAL amount of hours would be on another section of the paperwork, so I thought they cared) . I made my availability pretty open so they really could feel free to put me whenever they needed me, which I guess…


This shouldn’t be on the front cover of a magazine like it’s an unfathomable life goal.


Is it even legal to expect an employee to be there 15 minutes early, without pay for that time?… details below.

I'm in canada, alberta to more specific. The most recent job I've had that made me ponder this, was at a Canadian Tire store… I was hired as a warehouse guy, mostly unloading trucks and putting shit where it needed to be in said warehouse… now, they expected you to be there and punched in 15 minutes before your shift.. but pay wouldn't start until your actual scheduled time. The reason being, 'you need to be prepared for your shift when it starts… LOL… yeah, I come in, I punch in, and I go to work.. simple. I basically said fuck showing up 15 mins early, because there was literally no reason for me to do so.., I'd come in a few mins early so I could punch in, then walk to my station, and begin working at my scheduled time, or a minute or 2 earlier… any time I…


The time when a janitor got fired from leaving early, when he started early


They hired a guy to tell the same things I was telling for years – and I quit. It felt awesome.


Slave wages at 15, even with a “raise”

This story takes place in Germany in 2009. I was 15 at the time, which meant I was just old enough to legally work over the summer holidays to prop up my allowance. I was young, green, living in the countryside (and not allowed to drive), so my only option was to apply with companies that were on the way of my dad's commute to work so he could drop me off and pick me up there every day. The first company I called was one that supplied brushes and panting supplies to all the big home improvement store chains. They immediately agreed to take me for 4 weeks over the summer. Naive as I was, and this being my first job, I was basically just happy to be making any money at all, so I took the job, which paid 5.20€/h, as it was “what all their student workers…